View Full Version : How to explain what it's like living with GAD to family and friends.

08-31-2012, 08:23 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for advice on how to explain what it's like living with GAD to my family and friends.

08-31-2012, 08:35 PM
I need help with this too, my anxiety is getting bad and my family doesn't know that I am suffering from it, I haven't told them I don't know how, without them thinking I'm crazy.

08-31-2012, 08:35 PM
1. Get a piece of paper and a pen.
2. Start writing the issues in order of concern. Symptoms..in sequence.
3. Be honest, be open, do not hide it..the more you try to conceal "it", the more control you give "it".
4. It is hard for people to understand what you will be saying to them as you must keep in mind, they are not in your shoes, not mindset.
5. Do your best to give thorough explanations as to why your mind is having these thoughts.
6. Also, a good time to "lay out your boundaries" to them all too..Perfect time in fact, as they will be key players in helping you get through this maze..

There's my 2 cents friend...

Strike it fast, strike it hard..and you'll be fine.


08-31-2012, 10:12 PM
1Laticia this may be hard but I believe we can do it. The steps that Enduronman has given us look to be easy and I think will work.
Thank you Enduronman for the advice.

08-31-2012, 10:18 PM
It'll work..family & friends presentation. Great forethought by the way, how to explain it to those you care about and those that care and wonder about you. Awesome approach!

Best wishes,

09-01-2012, 05:54 AM
SkyHarbor76 yeah it does look easy, i believe that we can defeat this!!!

09-02-2012, 09:19 PM
Hey E-Man or anyone else,

Do you have any sources to help explain the science behind anxiety?

09-02-2012, 10:33 PM
The actual data is scattered everywhere like paperwork and files that were in Hiroshima! If I wasnt so tired, I would type the understandable science behind it but I can barely hold my head up now.hueofgg fwbghjlFEWJFHUAHUWGRUFalewfhh Shit! See?...My head hit the damn board...I shall return tomorrow friends...zzzzzzzzz
