View Full Version : What's up fockers! :) E-Man...

08-29-2012, 02:56 PM
Friends, Romans, Countrymen,

I already had this stupid thing typed and it said I wasn't logged in!! Bulls**t I was too!!..Anyway, I FINALLY got back to work today after (3 months off because of 2 diseases that were caused by out of control anxiety. The first is rheumatoid arthritis, and the second is trigeminal neuralgia). These are the MOST painful diseases that you can possibly have, and yippee..I have them BOTH! HOORAY!! Throw that s**t at VikingMan he can handle it!! Yes, I can and I do and that's yet another reason why I am here and stoppin in to say HEEYYYY, WUZZZZ UPPPPP!. I also charged my clients today what my wife charges when she does her law work so I'm good and will begin to feel like a contributor to the household again rather then a "whiny, OMG, bitchin, holy s**t, I can't move" liablity. It was great to get back outside and climbing up on ladders again. My 29th year,..grrrr.. I will be fine. I've got my (corticocortoids=prednisone) on standby should these conditions attack me again.

A simple few words from an Anxiety Veteran to you newbies, panicked, phobia stricken, afraid of the dark types...Get this anxiety under your own control as quickly as you possibly can or you will end up right where I was and will always be a threat of either of those above mentioned diseases to strike me whenever they wish too, without warning. No BIG RED LIGHT OR ALARM goes off before they do..They just hit, BAM!! TAKE THAT!! YOU AINT GOIN NOWHERE TODAY SUCKKA!!.. You DO NOT want to be in this world, feel this pain, agony, misery and that's why I've always been here anyway. To warn you all of where these conditions and disorders that you all have = DISEASE.

Just wanted to say hey wuzzz uppp to some of the Veterans and hello to the newbies too. Also, no I still DO NOT take any medications for all of my mental disarray but must take meds to control these painful diseases. Again I say, as I have posted before in previous threads that if you're afraid to take medications already that are just designed to treat depression or anxiety?..Then wait until you are prescribed a medication that says on the 1st line on the 1st page of the possible side effects sheet (MAY CAUSE DEATH)...because that's where you'll end up, right where I was.

Get a grip, get ahold of yourselves before something you can't even see starts squeezing the s**t outta you..it's really weird, and really tormenting.

Hope for all, is really all I or anyone else has to offer anyway..

Mr. Enduronman. (The no longer disabled semi-retarded VikingGuy) :)

08-29-2012, 03:52 PM
PS: I forgot to mention that my youngest daughter was having some kind of a temper tantrum the other night. Yellin, jumpin up and down, tearin s**t apart, ran out the front door barefoot and said the computer, her phone were f**ked up and she dropped her xanax down the kitchen register vent. I was like WTF is her problem???.. IT WAS JUST LIKE ME!!! That's my girl!...LMAO!.. She too has anxiety, panic,..and apparently IED too!! YAY! So proud...I didn't realize it until the next day what that even was, even though it was happening right in front of me!! bhhaahaahaaa!!
