View Full Version : Help again. HAHAHA

08-24-2012, 06:50 PM
Just a quick question, yes my anxiety symptoms are gone, yes the scary thoughts are gone (sort of)

One thing sparked my anxiety today.

Plaque build up in teeth can cause heart disease.. looked at my teeth.. Whole bottom row, tons of plaque.. Is there any way to clear it up a little bit before I got to the dentist? I know Going to the dentist would be the best option.

08-24-2012, 07:05 PM

Dear Dude,

I'm 44 years old. Out of these 44 years on this planet, I have chewed tobacco for 30 of them. I have plaque, I have been to the dentist 1 time in my life at age 42, and have no cavities, pain, wear, damage, nothing..but LOTS of plaque that the dentist scraped and typing that word FREAKS ME OUT CUZ IT WAS WEIRD!!!.. QUIT LOOKIN UP STUPID SHIT ON THE INTERNET, YER 15 YRS OLD, YER NOT HAVING A HEART ATTACK, PLAQUE ON YER F***ING TEETH DOESNT MEAN A DAMN THING, AND THE ODDS OF YOU BEING HIT BY A METEORITE ARE BETTER THEN ANY OF THE OTHER SHIT YOU'LL FIND ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET IN RELATIONSHIP TO HEART DISEASE, HEART ATTACKS, HEART PAIN, HEART HEMORAGE, HEART FAILURE...until yer 79 years old... Now, go throw rocks at Police Cars like I did!!! Make me proud!

Christoph The Barbarian Viking Dude...:)

08-24-2012, 07:07 PM
I've actually been hit by a meteorite before.. not the best feeling.. lol jk. I know enduron.. But you see.. the REAL reason why im asking this.. is because I'm planning on being a 15 year old tonight.. I'm going out to see this girl, and plaque.. isnt the best thing to look at.. lol

08-24-2012, 07:07 PM
Tell MOM to get ya some "white strips" and go have a coke at the movies! With yer GF!!! and popcorn too!!!


08-24-2012, 07:09 PM
You havent been alive long enough for plaque to build up!!! Just brush yer teeth, chew some kinda teeth whitening gum that I'm sure they make and have fun!!! YAY!!! Romance!! (leave out the throwing rocks thing for tonight, maybe another time)..

Endo Man..:)

08-24-2012, 07:52 PM
actually, we're going to a football game.. lol

08-24-2012, 07:59 PM
Get that shit scraped out... plaque stinks and will most likely make your breath smell like your arse.

Hope that helps x

08-24-2012, 09:34 PM
Heading to the dentist later next week around wednesday.. anything I could do to get rid of it?