View Full Version : Cant breathe

08-19-2012, 09:35 AM
Does any one feel like there havin to force themselves to breathe and go all dizzy and feel siCk and very disconnected from reality? Im exhausted too

08-19-2012, 09:37 AM
Yes me !! I find it hard to breath most of the time , feel dizzy , disconnected , all part of this nasty illness :-( x

08-19-2012, 09:48 AM
Do u believe it's all anxiety?

08-19-2012, 09:50 AM
yes many time ....just observe and make it worst ...try togomad ...try to holdbreath ...you willbe amazed nothing willhappen...we allfacethissou do ....

08-19-2012, 10:06 AM
Yea I've had anxiety for so long , I know that's what it is , very unpleasant x

08-19-2012, 06:06 PM
Does any one feel like there havin to force themselves to breathe and go all dizzy and feel siCk and very disconnected from reality? Im exhausted too

I get it all the time.... I always reassure myself that I'm breathing fine by remembering that when I'm asleep I breathe perfectly!
..... It's two minutes after you wake up and your brain clicks into gear that life becomes shit again!

08-19-2012, 10:31 PM
I too have been having this issue. It doesn't hurt to breathe, it's not "hard" to breathe, it just feels like i'm not breathing enough. But I find myself not noticing it when i'm completely distracted by something else.

08-20-2012, 01:37 AM
"Moonballs" - like the name.

Cosmic testicles!

Rest assured this is VERY common symptom between anxiety sufferers. Near everyone of us suffers the same all-too-regularly.

It is part of a drastic, biological reaction to a fear-trigger and is nothing more than a combination of tense chest muscles, respiratory responses, excess adrenalin, GLOBAS swelling (lump in the throat).

You can still breath, i just FEELS LIKE you can't.

In my early stages of anxiety disorder, breathing was a major issue... my worst ever panic attack was at DisneyLand of all places! A dark, crowded room with loud noises and special effects triggered my anxiety and panic BIG TIME (perhaps the worst combination for anxiety to be honest)

I had to get outside... only to be met by another massive crowd watching the parade! lol

I couldn't breath... or at least, I thought I couldn't.

Took a good 3 or 4 hours to recover from this one.

Over time you understand & accept the condition. Panic attacks lessen in their severity and the breathing issue will become a distant memory.

The cure? REMEMBER you're in fight or flight mode and nothing more. Drop your shoulders & arms... completely relax your entire body... sip cold water... breath deeply using your belly... stay calm... it will go.

08-20-2012, 05:27 AM
Most people talk about over breathing, but I feel like I can't remember HOW to breath. This consumes you and the fear kicks in. It can take hours to recover! So hard to believe that it will get easier!!

Matt C
08-20-2012, 05:43 AM
Does any one feel like there havin to force themselves to breathe and go all dizzy and feel siCk and very disconnected from reality? Im exhausted too

Breathing and thought are also highly connected, so for many people when their thoughts are racing... so is their breath.

Instead of trying to control your breathing in situations like that you could try changing your focus. I used to use mantra... I'd speak it on the out breath, and think it on the in breath... and feel the mantra vibrating through my whole body as I did so... after a while I could return to breathing as thoughts settled down, and let the breathing relax completely.

I could suggest other things but that's one of the first things that come to mind that used to work for me. :)

(Also I used to put myself in uncomfortable situations like being in public even though I was agrophobic, and social phobic, and talk to people anyway... Then when it got tto much I'd try and get away for a few minutes, do some more mantra, and breathing etc... then return and do it all again haha.

I'd also visualize myself living the life I want over and over to get my mind used to seeing me as confident in situations that would usually scare the sh*t out of me.

Hope some of that is useful for you. :)

Much love.


Matt C
08-20-2012, 05:44 AM
Does any one feel like there havin to force themselves to breathe and go all dizzy and feel siCk and very disconnected from reality? Im exhausted too

Breathing and thought are also highly connected, so for many people when their thoughts are racing... so is their breath.

Instead of trying to control your breathing in situations like that you could try changing your focus. I used to use mantra... I'd speak it on the out breath, and think it on the in breath... and feel the mantra vibrating through my whole body as I did so... after a while I could return to breathing as thoughts settled down, and let the breathing relax completely.

I could suggest other things but that's one of the first things that come to mind that used to work for me. :)

(Also I used to put myself in uncomfortable situations like being in public even though I was agrophobic, and social phobic, and talk to people anyway... Then when it got tto much I'd try and get away for a few minutes, do some more mantra, and breathing etc... then return and do it all again haha.)

I'd also visualize myself living the life I want over and over to get my mind used to seeing me as confident in situations that would usually scare the sh*t out of me.

Hope some of that is useful for you. :)

Much love.


08-21-2012, 01:55 AM
Thanks guys xx