View Full Version : This eliminates panic attack and anxiety withini 3 minutes

08-16-2012, 05:07 PM
My friend was having what amounted to a panic attack. Staring at white noise, perfectly random tv snow or static puts me in what is a dead ringer for the antianxiety , calming theta brainwave state so I asked her to try it. In 3 minutes I watched her attack totally disappear and she reported total calm. To get the random static, one must have a tv pre 2005, called analogue, It may say that on the back.Take the cable off and turn the set to a non broadcast channel displaying only black dots jumping around on a white background, so called tv snow or static. Newer than that, which are digital, digital tv's dont display tv snow , instead display a blue screen,when turned to a non broadcast channel, or even if the blue screen can be defeated the snow is not random, same for the internet which is digital also. I turn the sound down all the way as its disturbing and merely look at the static, the so called snow. The effect is so profound on anxiety and calming that it will be obvious to anyone in seconds..

Also works that fast on totally aborting the manic phase of my neighbors mania with no resulting depression. Other ways of creating so called white noise do not work, they are not random. I have reason to believe that it works because it puts one in the theta brainwave state, a hightly valued and strived for healing and relaxing state which is also attained via hypnosis or being (hearing the sonor) with dolphins make. Please post your experience should you try it..

I had another friend just try this method and she said she tried looking at the tv snow for 2 to 3 minutes with the sound off on her analogue tv set and she sent me this note about her results.

"um I have panic anxiety anger heartache the whole kit and kaboodle
it reduced it dramatically, all of it"

She added that it made her feel "peaceful"

She said it did come back partly and so she looked at the snow again for even less than two minutes and that eliminated the problems for good and she was feeling good the entire rest of the day. If it comes back Im sure she will look at the snow again.She was going nuts and suffering in the extreme until she tried this method. The first friend above did not have her suffering come back.

Steve Lord

08-16-2012, 09:04 PM
maybe not within 3, it could take longer, it could take less

08-29-2012, 09:10 AM
Did anyone try this?

Steve Lord

08-29-2012, 09:28 AM
Did anyone try this?

Steve Lord

Yes... A poltergeist appeared on the screen.

Carriane... Dont go into the light!