View Full Version : Anxiety? Scared about my health.

08-16-2012, 09:13 AM
Oh boy... this has been the most frustrating 3 months of my life! I am a 28 year old male and was in overall good health. Then it all started...

About 3 months ago I started getting some chest pains and mild stomach upset. I was concerned it could be a heart attack or some heart related issue so I went to the doctors and they found my blood pressure was WAY up. Of course, I was nervous before I even got there... I am on the anxiety boards, right?

So I went through a EKG (good) and Echocardiogram (good) but was also experiencing some fatigue and and weakness. Not weakness like I can't function but probably more muscle fatigue. Through all of this I started getting INTENSE stomach problems; burning, loss of appetite, nausea, fullness, pressure and more. I was quite anxious about this and was sent to a GI. Now this has been about 2-4 weeks and I am now moving from possible ulcer into possible stomach cancer. I got so bad that I was convinced I had stomach cancer and was often crying and feeling like it was all over. I was eating almost nothing, lost 25 pounds over 6 weeks (i was a overweight and a nervous wreck!). This of course also morphed at times between intestinal cancer, colon cancer, and I'm sure others. Went for an endoscopy; all good. This did not make the symptoms go away but felt a little better but of course still didn't believe the Drs. Started me on omeprazole for possible heartburn and thought I was getting dizzy from it. Stopped it. Long story short took about 3-6 weeks but the stomach issues finally stopped and I am eating absolutely normal. Good news! It doesn't end there...

I started experiencing "light-headedness" or being wobbly which now started to freak me out (4 weeks into it). With my fatigue and this new symptoms, I started to talk to Mr.Google about my problems. Long story short, fears of MS crept into my head and stayed for quite a long time. I would get headaches, lightheadedness, ringing in ear, and then all of a sudden buzzing in my arms and legs. It is so weird. I would wake up and felt like my arms were buzzing but it would go away. Still tired and all but the buzzing was gone... light headedness was still there. Met with a Nero and described all my symptoms. He tested me in the office with the physical tests and said "No MS, but we will run the tests anyway." MRI with or without contrast all good and clean. Of course I doubted the DR and still felt like I have something.

Light headeness continued for weeks. I was also having vision problems during that time, or at least I "thought" I was. Blurred vision, increased floaters, double vision, eye pain at times... I could go on (headaches, panic attacks). I was continuing to get more and more amped up through out this whole process, which we would probably be near week 8 or so of dealing with this.

Finally, recently (week 12+) my lightheadedness or off-balance feeling was gone. I don't have it anymore! BUT.... of course BUT I am now having muscle weakness (legs arms), muscle twitching (all over), fatigue, hands feel clumbsy and weak and have convinced myself I have ALS. Now I am constantly doing "strength tests" to see if I am losing strength and worrying over every muscle twitch, buzz, and fatigue I feel... which is quite constant. The muscle twitching started about a week ago and I can;t say I ever felt it like this before.

A little background: My mother is a VERY anxious person and is constantly telling me she went through 20 years of thinking she was dying form something and I am very much like her. Can't you tell! She keeps saying, "all these symptoms... so many are now gone, can't you see that this can be anxiety?. Logically, yes. Emotionally and mentally, right now, it's ALS.

All that being said, I am EXTREMELY scared about ALS and these twitches, buzzing, weakness and everything. Does this really sound like ALS? Am I really just a raging anxiety ball that is causing this? Help!

Sorry for it being so long. Thanks for reading!

08-16-2012, 09:20 AM
Wow, been there done that and I'm still here 12 years later. It started with some muscle twitches and me Googling that. Anxiety can make twitches SO much worse.

Vision problems are not part of ALS nor is buzzing, trust me...during my worst I read more about that damned disease than anyone should know.

Did you ever think that all your strength testing is causing the fatigue? Not being sarcastic, but like I said, I've been there.

08-16-2012, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the reply.

No, I started doing that after the fatigue so I don't think so.

Hate that I am always dealign with a new "big worry". It used to be my stomach (stomach cancer) then moved to my head off balance (brain tumor or MS) and now it is muscle twitching and weakness (ALS). Wish it would all go away!

08-16-2012, 09:45 AM
Yep, once you rule one thing, it's another and that's how anxiety can be. Try to work on what really could be bothering you or troubling you in some other way. Acknowledge to yourself, "OK I'm anxious, and it's coming out as health anxiety...I know it..so calm down...it is not cancer at 28 and it's anxiety causing me thse symptoms". Do people get sick at 28?? Sure. But it's far more likely having been seen by docs to not be anything physical. Docs are damn good at finding physical illness and although they are not perfect, I bet they are right. You are anxious...not really sick. I went through it too until I saw I was anxious and knew it was anxiety not physical illness and that acknowledgment helped. Alankay.

08-16-2012, 11:39 AM
The symptoms sound like fibromyalgia...like what I have. There's no cure and it can be a pain in the butt, but its controllable. And is not degenerative. And my symptoms started with gerd first...was put on the same Med as you. I'd stay away from Google though. According to it everyone has a terminal disease. LOL.--Kara

08-16-2012, 12:35 PM
From what I understand, in ALS, twitching comes near the end and most ALS patients don't even realize they are twitching.

Anxiety can certainly bring on twitching.