View Full Version : Magnesium?

08-14-2012, 08:35 PM
Does anyone take magnesium and does it help with your anxiety? I have been trying to avoid taking lexapro because my attacks are sparatic but when I do have them they last for awhile and are pretty bad. I went to a health food store yesterday for some ear drops for a sinus/ear problem I have been having and was told by the owner to take a magnesium supplement. I purchased it and took one last night, and then 2 today as instructed but not sure if it helps.
I really don't like to take anything and most of my anxiety is health related so now that I have read the negative side effects I am having a total panic attack about overdosing on it.

08-14-2012, 08:46 PM
Hey KWW,

I'm not a big proponent of vitamins to reduce or relieve the type of anxiety that we have. Maybe for people with generally "normal" everyday types of stresses like they didnt get dinner ready on time, or 3 minutes late to soccer practice, or they accidentally forgot their nail appointment "anxiety"...Ours? Way different then that...Are you looking for actual natural herbal supplement to try over medications instead?...


08-14-2012, 08:58 PM
Yeah I am not a huge fan of meds, my anxiety is more health related, so whenever I take something I am afraid that I will be in the 1% that suffers the worst side effects. So I would rather try a natural remedy first. My dr called me in a benzo and lexapro a few weeks ago but I never picked them up.

08-15-2012, 01:45 AM
Anxiety starts out as a worry. That worry can be because of a thought or the most normal, everyday physical symptom (e.g. a mild tummy rumble).

If vitamins help toward those initial physical symptoms then indirectly I guess they can help. But note the word indirectly

No harm in taking them (unless doc. says otherwise) but they won't miraculously cure you of anxiety!

08-15-2012, 03:17 AM
Hi KWW 5190:

Magnesium helps, and it is a very important mineral.
If you can not tolerate the pills, specially oxide, there are some magnesium rich foods.
Read a book called the miracle of magnesium. It will give you the names of some natural
sources of magnesium in accordance to their importance.

Please read my Thread " The Cure ?" at the Depression forum of this site.
It could change your life.

Best wishes,

08-15-2012, 09:01 AM
Dear KWW,

If you were fortunate enough to have a Dr. that actually listened, processed, analized, diagnosed, offered aid to treat, called them in,..then go get them. Neither of the meds that he had called in will CAUSE DEATH as the meds that my Dr. was offering to me...both of those are well tolerated by 18.99% of the 19% of this country that takes them as prescribed..and the "side effects" that are most commonly reported are (insomnia)....Not anything related to mortality.

First step, go get meds, take meds, improve quality of life, then research vitamins, minerals, herbs, foods...while taking meds and feeling like you can once again think clearly...

just some thoughts...quit torturing yourself, relief that is 'proven' effective is just a couple blocks away.


08-15-2012, 03:16 PM
KKW yes I do take magnesium and yes it has helped with my anxiety. There are different forms of magnesium ex: oxide, citrate, ect. Some aren't absorbed as well as others. What form of magnesium are you taking and how many mg's a day? I personally try to go the more natural route and stay away from medications. I have taken benzo's once and a while for sleep and I think they are of great help if you can manage not to get hooked on them. I have stayed away from things like Lexapro because of the potential side effects. Everyone reacts differently though. Let me know if you are interested in a more natural solution and I am happy to post what has helped me.