View Full Version : anxiety causes high blood pressure and...

02-27-2007, 06:11 PM
About 3 years...or 4 i was checked by a doctor and he told me that i have high blood pressure...as much as a 40 year old person...and im 18.

What are the risk of having high blood pressure? this, i believe was the result of my anxiety....

any thoughts?

02-27-2007, 07:13 PM
this is weird, but I have had anxiety all my life and very rarely do I have high blood pressure. When I was pregnant my anxiety was WAY through the roof and I never had high blood pressure. Every once in a while I will. I just think it affects people differently for some reason...I went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was normal. It depends on how nervous you are I think but i'm not sure.

03-02-2007, 02:59 PM
About 3 years...or 4 i was checked by a doctor and he told me that i have high blood pressure...as much as a 40 year old person...and im 18.

What are the risk of having high blood pressure? this, i believe was the result of my anxiety....

any thoughts?

Where you monitor for 24 hours (wearing a strap that takes random pressure test during a period of 24 hours)? If not, it can just be anxiety due to the fact that you know your pressure is being checked and are feeling stressed about it.

I've had high blood pressure all my life (since I was 8)... And I've been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since I was 15 (now I'm 29). So basically, the doctors concluded that I may have a higher blood pressure than the normal written in books. Doesn't mean it will cause problems or anything. However, when I'm stressed out I'm having a higher than normal blood pressure (my normal blood pressure ;) ). But usually, doctors don't really pay attention to it.

Also, like Stillfighting07 says, some people aren't affected by blood pressure and stress. But your case looks like mine and a whole lot of other people so I wouldn't worry, unless the doctor told you to.

Hope this helps!