View Full Version : How did you get out of the "anxiety matrix" or just the thoughts and fears of death?

08-13-2012, 11:48 PM
This isn't really regarding me.. But post your stories below for everyone to read!

08-14-2012, 01:34 AM
This is SO for you and you know it, lol

Time, I guess.

Anxiety had much the same profound effects as berievement and you go through a few stages from start to end.

At the beginning you are shocked - like, "what the FUCK SHIT BOLLUX ARSEHOLES is happening to me... I'm dying" - you simply cannot understand or cope with what's going on and your entire world crashes around you. It's SO bad that you can only conclude death as the outcome.
(As time passes, you are likely to experience an array of hellish, physical symptoms, which themselves add further horror to your pittiful existence)

A few congnetive therapy sessions, doctors & A&E visits later... you begin to understand but still cannot accept all those symptoms.

You may start taking meds.

More cognetive therapy sessions, doctors & A&E visits follow and your understanding grows stronger. So strong that you begin to accept.

Now you're understanding and accpeting... Mr Brain is slowly, but surely unravelling himself from the mess he started with.
Rationality begins to re-grow. Normality begins to restore.

Anxiety is now retreating... heading back to its cave.

Hallelujah :-)

08-14-2012, 01:54 AM
It's a tricky one as almost everyone has a fear of death- no one knows what will happen when and after we die so it's natural to be scared and to think about it sometimes. I guess it's when the thoughts become over whelming and cause significant amounts of panic and distress that it's a problem. I agree with Dazza that time helps, I feel that as time goes on and I get older I have accepted that death is a fact of life and it comes to us all. It's not nice to think about so now I don't dwell on it and focus more on using the time that I have wisely. Admittedly it took me years and a couple of therapists to come to this conclusion!

jon mike
08-14-2012, 02:03 AM
I got out of it by accepting it. FULL STOP.
I had a nightmare for about 15 long years with it.
The matrix is about right too. I couldn't accept the sky or the clouds or weather or anything. Don't even start me on space. My god! I couldn't accept colour? Colours had smells and feelings, I obsessed with my senses, touch especially, I noticed my every movement. In the end I didn't want to live but didn't want to die. I went to my doctors. He referred me straight away ha ha. Got some cbt. Now I'm happy! That simple. Loving life, my experiences taught me a lot.

08-14-2012, 11:33 AM

A trick question. I'm so excited!! I spent 40+ years living within "The Anxiety Matrix"...interesting place. Your skills are tested, honed, formed, shaped, refined there.. Once you've figured out who the Oracle was and her purpose, who the Creator was and his purpose, who that relentless dude that was chasing you around everywhere really was and his purpose, who you REALLY are and your purpose?....Then, you reach the conclusion. The total sum of all equations...Which equals?

The location of the door, to open...and walk out of "The Anxiety Matrix"..

Your degree. Your diploma. Your reward..that you've earned.


Enduronman. :)