View Full Version : Anyone on here kick anxiety completely and how?

08-13-2012, 08:01 PM
As anyone on forum kicked their anxiety habit
And if yes.. Please tell me how!! :-)

08-13-2012, 08:24 PM
What? I'm not sure I fully understand the question.. I did try though!


08-13-2012, 08:49 PM
Joke! But serious I'm trying so hard to get past anxiety and it seems to be kicking my but! I'm still working, working out and living my life but most the time I just don't feel well! :-( I wish I never knew about anxiety and panic attacks... How do you forget?


08-13-2012, 09:58 PM
Dear Mr. Rabbit,

The answers to your question are already posted, typed, explained in detail, formatted like an "Instruction Manual" for putting a trainset together..Part A connects to part B..Then, take B and connect to part 9,..wait..I messed up. Maybe it's part blue?..or insert #6, panhead, slotted, stainless steel screw...IDK!!!

Just screwing around man, it is literally within this forum, somewhere in these threads.."How to get out of The Anxiety Matrix"...

The answer to your Topic post question? Yes, I'm out...I'm free...I kicked its ass...and you can too.


08-14-2012, 04:56 AM
I've come close a few times but something always triggers it and brings me back in. I've gone months if not longer anxiety free only to have something stupid set me off and start it all over again.

08-14-2012, 06:17 AM
I have in the past. I got rid of it for a year and sometimes more at a time. I just got it bad again after about a year of not much anxiety.

08-14-2012, 08:45 AM
Thanks everyone, I'm doing better today. Enduronman I'm not a Mr. Lol.. I'm a woman in my 30's. :-)

08-14-2012, 09:08 AM
Well how in the f**k am I supposed to know that?!!! If theres some secret place that states that then please by all means share that location with me!!!...

My most sincere apology Mrs. Rabbit...

Now, make us all some beef stew or this E-Man is doin ta doe huntn dum wabbit!


08-14-2012, 01:34 PM
I'm 70% better than I was two weeks ago...and it will continue to get better.

It gets better, and better. Work with a psychologist, get to the root of the issue, understand what your body is doing, understand it's harmless and learn to look at things differently.

08-14-2012, 06:25 PM
E-man! Your right and I wasn't mad for you
Mistaken I was jut lettin ya know!

:-) w-girl

Ps beef is ready!!

08-14-2012, 08:39 PM
There ya go!! Now, go make Mr. Rabbit some stew!!....LOL!

Nice to "read" smiling faces around this joint sometimes..Keep smiling Mrs. Rabbit!


Matt C
08-18-2012, 07:06 AM
I have yep... I'm here cos I wanna help others.

I did a whole combo of stuff. I can't write about it now as I'm about to go to play a gig at a wedding, but I'll be back soon. I thought I'd pop a comment here so I remember to pop back to this thread! :)

One thing I will say though is.... I did lots of different things, and many of them were all important. But the primary thing I did was I decided that I wouldn't let anxiety rule my life, I looked for ways to achieve this from every resource I could find around me and I decided I would make it my mission to live confidently and at peace... and then show others how to do the same, in my experience, having an underlying positive driving force, and total belief that you will find a way, helps to keep you looking until you find what works for you. (I did this while still following my original dream of becoming a full time musician... which is going rather well these days). I had paranoid Psychosis, agrophobia, social phobia, panic/anxiety attacks, and GAD. I'm convinced it was a combination of physical and mental imbalances that caused the overall condition I was in... I felt physically knackered pretty much 24/7, and had to force myself to be around people even though it scared the sh*t out of me.

It wasn't pretty, but I believe anyone willing to be honest with themselves and keep learning is capable of finding a way to heal.

Speak to you soon.
