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08-13-2012, 01:39 PM
I know that there's different types of anxiety but is it possible to just have a big mess of everything,?

08-13-2012, 02:07 PM
Yes..all of the above. A huge mess of everything all thrown into one single person. I don't know how to tie my own shoe, but can disassemble an entire engine and put it back together again..(with 27 bolts leftover, just kidding!)..

08-13-2012, 02:22 PM
Thanks. :)
I was wondering because I feel like I have bits and peices of it all. :)

08-13-2012, 04:34 PM
Once anxiety hit me, I felt like I was bipolar, I got stressed to the max, and also at times felt depressed (I don't believe it was full blown depression but i was depressed), but it's all in your head like everyone else and there brother always says in these forums! Only you can cure yourself! Happiness is a choice be happy and live happy! God bless!

08-13-2012, 05:06 PM
I know that there's different types of anxiety but is it possible to just have a big mess of everything,?

Yeppp, 'fraid so.

Remember, you have a (temporary - hopefully) brain imbalance.
Your brain is the Central Processing Unit of everything you see, feel, do, hear, taste & smell and because of this imbalance, some or even ALL inputs it receives may not be processed correctly.

I.e. ALL inputs can be mis-processed or overwritten by the anxiety or fear emotion.

It's treatable, however. Your brain can be re-trained and the imbalances restored to an acceptable level.
Cognetive therapy is the most effective way forward. This helps speed up the process of learning / accepting and ultimately curing the issue(s).