View Full Version : it's all in my head

08-12-2012, 10:16 AM
when i have a clear mind and don't think about anxiety i'm fine. but at times i will think about it and then my anxiety starts to flare up a bit
ow can i keep a clear mind? anyone have tips?

08-12-2012, 10:39 AM
Yeah, happens to me too. My symptoms usually tend to become harder to deal with when I'm thinking about them. But when I'm not, they tend to go into the background. In the best-case scenario, I don't feel them at all temporarily if I'm sufficiently distracted.

I mainly cope using distraction. For example, watch TV or browse the internet. Do something you like, and just let the anxiety slip away for a bit. Don't intentionally try to forget it, because that usually doesn't work.

If your anxiety isn't too bad currently, I find relaxation/mindfulness works too. If you're able to lay down for 15 minutes or so, look up some guided relaxation/mindfulness audio tracks online. Mindfulness in particular is aimed at helping the individual only be concerned with the present moment - not what could happen in the future.

Usually, going for a walk can make me feel better too.

For the long-term, if you can trust that your issues are due to anxiety, you can remind yourself of that every time you feel anxious, and you can calm down. If not, see a doctor. Get your more worrisome symptoms checked out. If nothing shows up, then you can be sure it's anxiety.

Now, those times such as when you're in a public place or when you're trying to sleep - those still challenge me. It's harder for me to ignore symptoms there. I would like some tips as well for those moments :P