View Full Version : Personality traits that are tied to or may lead to anxiety more

08-10-2012, 06:24 AM
Anyone know if there is any research into this?

I know that even without the anxiety I am a natural worrier as I am cautious (risk averse), resistant to change and habitual, introverted, I think about things a lot, ruminate over them for too long, have a low need for a wide circle of friend which means i have small/non existent support network.

How about your personality traits?

08-10-2012, 06:48 AM
I think dazza said in another post that if you're a natural worrier or shy (introverted), you are more likely to have anxiety. But not all hope is lost! There are a lot of people here who understand you and are willing to talk. I'm also a big advocate of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Look into that if you can, or check out some books about it on Amazon.

You're gonna make it, my friend. :)

08-10-2012, 06:49 AM
Oh, and as far as my personality traits go, I've always been a worrier and never had many close friends.

08-10-2012, 06:57 AM

@Rachelm, How are you doing??...I believe we have worked together on here before somewhere.. jus wondering.. Good to see you again...(see you?..read you, sorry)

@ASP, I am the complete opposite..but may be able to help you to turn the opposite direction?..Worth a shot hey!!


08-10-2012, 09:36 AM
I haven't seen any research and, to be honest, I don't need to.

Anxiety is usually clearly visible in people who have it and putting 2 & 2 together - it's quite obvious they're likely to develop a disorder from it at some point, since their brain has probably been the way it is for many, many years and ends up hard-coded that way.

Funny really, since I've always recognised shyness (in both myself and others), but I never for one moment thought it could lead to such a
hideous disorder.

<lights a fag, takes a puff and blows it across the laptop screen>

08-10-2012, 03:15 PM
I haven't seen any research and, to be honest, I don't need to.

Anxiety is usually clearly visible in people who have it and putting 2 & 2 together - it's quite obvious they're likely to develop a disorder from it at some point, since their brain has probably been the way it is for many, many years and ends up hard-coded that way.

Funny really, since I've always recognised shyness (in both myself and others), but I never for one moment thought it could lead to such a
hideous disorder.

<lights a fag, takes a puff and blows it across the laptop screen>

hmmmmm.... doesn't it mean that attempts to minimize or get rid of it will mean you will ultimately always fall back, at least at some point for some time... it seems somewhat futile

08-10-2012, 07:29 PM
I think shy people are more prone to developing anxiety. But I have not always been shy. I actually used to be a little diva when I was younger, til around 10 or so. I guess puberty caused me to become insecure, shy, and introverted. It's frustrating because I know this isn't who I really am. I didnt used to be shy, un-interested in people, or even this angry. I notice I am more angry since I have developed anxiety.