View Full Version : How to stop numbness and pain in arms?

08-09-2012, 02:35 PM
I just want to know how to stop the numbness and pain i get in my left arm which causes me to panic and think im going to have a heart attack.

08-09-2012, 04:28 PM
My guess would be to stop thinking negative. Float through the pain and in time it should leave. Thats the short version.

08-09-2012, 04:42 PM
In my experience; once the anxiety symptoms have set in... there is nothing I can do about it in the very short term.

Having said that, I've never tried "shock treatment" - like having a cold shower, for example
(If anything is likely to work immediately then it would be this... but once anxious, you're not likely to have the courage to do it!)

DISTRACTION, DISTRACTION and thrice DISTRACTION is the best method I reckon - usually involving interaction with other people.

08-09-2012, 05:22 PM
Sorry, I dismissed nerve problems.

Just posted this on another thread:

The actual sensation is almost guaranteed to be a nerve compression of some sort or perhaps carpal tunnel syndrome (also nerve related)

Possible root causes:

o Excess adrenalin (possibly from high anxiety) can tense muscles, which in turn pinch nerves
o Your posture (maybe too much time sitting at your PC). Try rotating + wiggling your arm around
o Some arm nerves originate form the neck. It is likely that your neck muscles or a crooked neck has pinched one of these connecting nerves. (Try moving your head + neck around)

Go see a doctor & have a nerve scan if it persists, but for now, try loosening up & improving your posture.