View Full Version : Anyone else have hightened anxiety during mentral cycle?

08-09-2012, 06:53 AM
Notice that I have more anxiety and more intense anxiety during my menstral cycle... Anyone else? Why is this? I mean obviously it has something to do w hormones.. But which one? And how can I naturally increase (or decrease) the "hormone(s) culprit"? Anyone...?

08-09-2012, 07:30 AM
Just before your cycle estrogen increases to start it. Raised estrogen levels can cause anxiety before you start. I would suggest speaking with your doctor before messing with your hormones. There are natural creams you can use to raise progesterone, the calming hormone but like I said please speak to your doctor first.

08-09-2012, 07:47 AM
Thanks WRabbit... I have appt w gyno on the 23rd and I'll def speak w her about hormones. Thanks for the response :)

08-09-2012, 08:07 AM
Yes starts 2 weeks before and lasts until I get it.

08-09-2012, 10:33 PM
My doc just put me on a bio identical progesterone pill and I already feel better. We will see when my . Comes back around. Good luck to you and I hope it helps. Lord knows anxiety is bad and worse when your . is about to start.


08-09-2012, 10:43 PM
Progesterone levels lower when we get our period. Progesterone is the "feel good" hormone. We have very high levels of it when we're pregnant.
However, I tried bio identical progesterone and it made my symptoms worse. It works for a lot of people but not for me.

08-10-2012, 07:42 AM
I have appt w gyno soon, I'll def ask about bioidenticals... Thanks ladies, good to know that it's not just me that's effected by "."

08-11-2012, 12:34 AM
I think this is pretty common.

08-11-2012, 03:53 AM
Very common !!
I have a very bad time about 2 weeks before & then it gets better by about day 4 of my period .
