View Full Version : I fear that I will young/ soon.

08-09-2012, 05:47 AM
im 16 and I can't stop getting this feeling that I will die soon/young..
It started a month ago and it wasn't bad as it is now. I first thought I had a brain tumor and that made me sad for like 2 weeks, after that I felt perfectly normal until 3 days later I feel like I am doomed for something bad to happen. Like not to suffer from some illness but that I will get it a car crash,plane crash (etc.. ) I might be going to florida on the 18th of August and I am so terrified for planes that I think I will die on the plane or something.... I also just realized I keep having dreams that I'm going somewhere.. I dont know where... It's so scary and I can never shake this feeling off. :( I love my life so much and i'm so young to be going through this, i'm not ready to die, not today, not in 30 years.. This fear has made me lose touch with my friends and family, I just start to cry all the time.. I am so scared that it interferes with my daily lifestyle.. (btw im not religious) is this a sort of anxiety or is it my gut instinct telling me somethings not right? i've never felt this way before but i've always been an anxious person. I always thought the worst was going to happen especially with my mom and sister.
please if anyone has gone through this, reply!!

08-09-2012, 06:40 AM
I felt this exact same way at 16. I would cry, convinced I was going to die somehow. I do believe you're suffering from anxiety, as these are not normal thoughts for a person your age. Don't worry friend, you can completely overcome this. If you can, I suggest you first go to your mom/dad and tell them how you are feeling and that you'd like help to feel better. Maybe you can see your doctor before your trip and see about getting something to calm your nerves on the plane. In the long term though, I personally suggest seeing a therapist for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as it has proven very effective for anxiety sufferers (I have gone through it myself).

Best of luck to you :)

08-09-2012, 07:10 AM
Thanks for the reply :) yes i'm going to see a teen counsler soon before my trip :) I've talked to my mom plenty of times, she can tell when i'm sad. As for my father I recently stopped having contact with him and I think thats one of the things that keep bothering me (He lives in chicago I live in Sweden). May I ask how long did it take you to finally realize it was anxiety? Also did you have moodswings? Like sometimes you felt completely fine and that you start realizing that your over-exaggerating then other times you get the thoughts and just feel like your going to explode? Did you also start thinking oh if I go in the car im going to die in a car accident? or if you would go on walks oh someone is going to shoot me in the head? I always get these thoughts :(

08-09-2012, 07:52 AM
I'm just looking at the title...

I fear that I will young/ soon

Isn't he a singer? :-)

08-09-2012, 08:27 AM
haha I just fixed it! thanks for letting me know

08-09-2012, 12:00 PM
Haha I'm only 15 and I think im going to have a heart attack. Im super athletic so logic says that Its not likely at all for me to have a heart attack. But my anxiety filled brain thinks im going to die.

08-09-2012, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the reply :) yes i'm going to see a teen counsler soon before my trip :) I've talked to my mom plenty of times, she can tell when i'm sad. As for my father I recently stopped having contact with him and I think thats one of the things that keep bothering me (He lives in chicago I live in Sweden). May I ask how long did it take you to finally realize it was anxiety? Also did you have moodswings? Like sometimes you felt completely fine and that you start realizing that your over-exaggerating then other times you get the thoughts and just feel like your going to explode? Did you also start thinking oh if I go in the car im going to die in a car accident? or if you would go on walks oh someone is going to shoot me in the head? I always get these thoughts :(

It took a while to realize it was anxiety. I feared I was going crazy. And yes, I did have mood swings. Sometimes I felt really disconnected from myself. But through therapy and support from family, I got over it 100%. It takes a lot of work, but you're going to be ok. I just went to therapy again today for the first time in years and I'm already feeling better and more like myself.

Keep your chin up, friend. :) it's going to be ok.

08-09-2012, 01:51 PM
Haha I'm only 15 and I think im going to have a heart attack. Im super athletic so logic says that Its not likely at all for me to have a heart attack. But my anxiety filled brain thinks im going to die.

I thought that too in the beginning, but then I realized it was just stress.. Later on I went to a amusement park and the next day I was not myself. I was dizzy, feeling sick, and thought something was wrong. I then googled it and thought I had a brain tumor, but it really was the two crystals in my ears that were unbalanced from all the crazy rides I went on. I was so devastated but then I started talking to my uncle and he told me he was going through the same things when he was younger ... Then I felt better again but then my cousin freaked the shit out of me when she told me she had a dream about her grandpa dying then the next day he really did die. I then started thinking about wow life is just so crazy and we could be gone any second. These thoughts having been making me go nuts. We are so young to be having the idea we will die soon. I know it could happen but still its unlikely.
I hope you feel better x

08-09-2012, 01:54 PM
It took a while to realize it was anxiety. I feared I was going crazy. And yes, I did have mood swings. Sometimes I felt really disconnected from myself. But through therapy and support from family, I got over it 100%. It takes a lot of work, but you're going to be ok. I just went to therapy again today for the first time in years and I'm already feeling better and more like myself.

Keep your chin up, friend. :) it's going to be ok.

May I ask how old are you now? and when you were going through this tough period did you always think the worst in things? (sorry for asking so many questions, but it really makes me feel better to know i'm not alone!!) and what made you start having these thoughts? I have alot of trouble in my family, like my parents have always had issues and argued and stuff and I never really had that normal life, you know where you have 2 parents and stuff. My dad doesn't even want to have contact with me and my sister :(

08-09-2012, 02:27 PM
May I ask how old are you now? and when you were going through this tough period did you always think the worst in things? (sorry for asking so many questions, but it really makes me feel better to know i'm not alone!!) and what made you start having these thoughts? I have alot of trouble in my family, like my parents have always had issues and argued and stuff and I never really had that normal life, you know where you have 2 parents and stuff. My dad doesn't even want to have contact with me and my sister :(

I'm 23 now. There's no real way of telling why the thoughts started. Anxiety can creep up on you without warning. Usually when you're anxious and don't know why, it's even worse because you're not sure how to fix it. I had some of the same family issues you did, and I got through it (though there were some really rough times). Yes, I always assumed the worst in situations. My fear was debilitating and kept me from doing many things. But I got over it! Yes, I have hit another roadblock now, but like I said, therapy is the best thing I have done for myself. I have hope that life will return to normal if I work hard to overcome my fears. Having support from your mom/sister is a huge plus, but the power is in you. A therapist will help you to realize the strength you have to overcome this if you can't find it yourself. Read up on some deep breathing exercises and see if they work for you. Don't be discouraged if something works for someone else but not you. There is help and hope out there and I promise you that you will not feel this way forever.

08-09-2012, 02:33 PM
I'm 23 now. There's no real way of telling why the thoughts started. Anxiety can creep up on you without warning. Usually when you're anxious and don't know why, it's even worse because you're not sure how to fix it. I had some of the same family issues you did, and I got through it (though there were some really rough times). Yes, I always assumed the worst in situations. My fear was debilitating and kept me from doing many things. But I got over it! Yes, I have hit another roadblock now, but like I said, therapy is the best thing I have done for myself. I have hope that life will return to normal if I work hard to overcome my fears. Having support from your mom/sister is a huge plus, but the power is in you. A therapist will help you to realize the strength you have to overcome this if you can't find it yourself. Read up on some deep breathing exercises and see if they work for you. Don't be discouraged if something works for someone else but not you. There is help and hope out there and I promise you that you will not feel this way forever.

Thank you so so so much for your advice! I really am glad I created this forum!

08-09-2012, 06:27 PM
I am older than you, but just live each day fully, and you will find yourself beyond worrying about an early death.

08-10-2012, 12:28 AM
I'm also 16 and on the same boat as u so your not alone and if u ever need a friend that gets it just message me :)

08-10-2012, 01:16 AM
"I think I better leave right now... before I fall any deeeeper..."

Will Young

08-10-2012, 03:15 AM
I'm also 16 and on the same boat as u so your not alone and if u ever need a friend that gets it just message me :)

thanks!! could you give me your email?? :))