View Full Version : here's I little something that helps me :)

08-06-2012, 08:04 PM
After reading endouromans post it came to my mind that I have not yet seen a thread or post that has mentioned helping others as a sort of therapy. Something positive always lifts the spirit and the way I say it is puts positive energy in the environment around you. Endouroman helped a homeless man which I have also done and it is very rewarding to the spirit. But what my main purpose of this thread is to talk about using animals as therapy.

I volunteer at my local shelter socializing cats and dogs and many other homeless animals. ( lol sometimes of get some pop bellied pigs ). Nothing in my opinion is more relaxing than a cat curled up in your lap purring away. Or something more uplifting than a dog gettin out of that kennel and giving you kisses for thanks. :)

I use to volunteer at horse rescue also and take my word for it it was amazing. I did this for 2 years until the rescue wasn't getting enough donations to keep up. Sadly they shut down ... :(

I strongly urge you too try this kinda volunteering out :) I map feeling like shit today until I decided to go see the furry friends :) if your not comfortable with working with strange dogs work with the cats. If your not comfortable with working with strange dogs and cats I urge you to go to a shelter or rescue and maybe adopt a nice lap cat. Animals can sense how your feeling and if your feeling bad they are always there to comfort you.

I really do hope some of you that haven't thought of this consider it. sorry for grammar and typos. I'm on my phone.

08-07-2012, 12:48 AM

I have read many times that pets and in partcular the act of petting, stroking or just chilling with a pet can relieve a lot of anxiety.

Your findings are an actual proven science :-)

08-07-2012, 04:37 AM
Yes indeed they are fact. Helping humans and animals alike is very rewarding as she mentioned the positive energy in the environment is created by kindness and generosity to others or other things. During our "cruise" lastnight as my daughter will be gettin her license soon, I was asked to explain the "homeless man from New York City" story to my daughter. It was a "trial", and I know why..I did precisely what was right for he an I both. If this person, or any person for that matter wouldv'e walked up into my yard with the extremely real troublesome issue and condition he was in, prior to May 10th of this year, then the outcome would not have been to his benefit whatsoever..nor mine as I wouldv'e thought WTF over and over and over again. I also wouldve said, "what makes you think I give a f**k man?"... This was a test, I do have compassion...just NEVER used it before. Also, @natigirl...we have 2 cats and 5 kittens too so theres alot of interesting and memorable moments to laugh about!!...Have a great day friends!

Enduronman. :)