View Full Version : Please help me with some insight...

08-06-2012, 07:58 PM
I don't know where to start..

However, i guess I could start with some background info..

I am 24 years old, currently with my gf of almost 4 years. Just bought a house with her, and she is amazing. I will someday marry her, there is no doubt in my mind. Everything with my relationship is awesome, and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend..

Now, I have never been one to think of myself as someone with problems. I have always thought that I was better than that, and anyone who has issues was mentally weak... Don't hate me there.

My whole life, I have always been a shy person.. I was never the center of attention, even though I would like to think I was. For my whole life it seems, I have this feeling that no matter what is going on, everything is some how centered around me. Boy is this wrong, and the fact that I am starting to realize that my life is basically no better than any others is starting to make me feel crazy.

Both of my parents growing up were alcoholics. Now I'm not saying they were the biggest alcoholics you'd ever meet, but I'd say yes, they're alcoholics. It was never out of the norm for my parents to drink 2, 3, sometimes 4 times a week. And it wasn't just lets go have some drinks, it was them shutting down the bar, coming home slammed.

Some background information on my parents. They both were in previous marriages (mom 2, dad 1). So I have 3 half siblings, and I am the only one from both my mom and dad (not that this means anything). But growing up, I always had sisters and brothers, but i'd say about 3/4 of my life they didn't live with me.. They lived in different cities with their other parents. I was the baby of the 4 and as such I was always "treated the best" - in the eyes of everyone else. We were never poor, but not rich. I'd say we were comfortable money wise, but my parent's were always broke. They made about 100k a year after taxes... So where the hell did their money go. Oh right, they loved to gamble.

When i was 8 my dad was in a tragic car accident in which he almost lost his life. Doctors gave him 48 hours to live, but guess what, he survived.. They then gave him a week max to live... He survived. After all this, he came out of his coma after 8 weeks. They told him that he would never be able to walk again. Guess what, within 3 months, he was walking. (Broken neck in 3 places and loss use of his left arm). So my dad was a fighter. I remember one of the first times he came out of his coma (me being 8 at the time), he was laying in his hospital bed, I came in... and he said to me that I need to go put on my PJ's and grab some popcorn cause we have some movies to watch together. Anyway, he ended up for being on disability and pension. We had to move from the town I grew up in, into a big city.

At this time, it was very hard... But i was 8, I adapted and started to make new friends. But growing up, it was hard. Having a new childhood essentially, a now disabled father who was never going to be able to work again in his life... Things seemed rough, but it was going to be ok.

I remember there were days that I would wake up to my parents arguing in the mornings. My dad screaming at my mom for taking his pain pills, but hey, they were from a doctor but she thought it was ok.

I remembered after about 3-4 years, my dad finally said he was sick of taking anymore pills. That day he said he would be off them before we knew it. So that same week, that was when he started. I could remember the agony he was going through, laying in bed, going through withdrawals, puking in the middle of the nights. Basically couldn't get out of bed because it was that hard for him (methadone)

Now, everything seemed to be going about the same through my life. I felt good going through grade 4-10. I had so many friends, so many relationships, I was always the best athlete in my school (or 1 of them). I never had any issues mentally that I can remember... Other than I was always the one to never show emotion. No matter what happened, I was never emotional. I told it how it was, and that was that. I was always praised for being so mature for my age.

Now came summer of grade 10. My parents were so sick of eachother, they decided to split-up. This came as a surprise to me, but it really hit me hard. Probably harder than i thought it ever would. I ended up moving away from either of my parents to my sisters, where I went to school in a different city.

I hated it. Not living with my parents, but just that I moved away. But i felt like it was the right thing to do. I played hockey there, and went to school, but still I hated it. I remember there were days I would drive to school, and I hated it so much... That I would sit ni the parking lot, dreading going in, but instead of going in.. would just sit there, and feel alone. I would go home and tell my sister about how school was, and would lie about it. This is really where I started lying about stupid things. Like things that didn't even need to be lied about.

I ended up moving back home about 4 months after, about half way through the year. I moved back to the same school, so many of teh same peoples... But something was weird, I wasn't really the same. I ended up struggling my way through my final 2 years of school. I hated going, and would make the craziest lies up to my parents or school about why I wasn't there. But no one ever really knew. I lied about attendance and even lied by making a fake report card. My grades weren't amazing like my parents expected, but I got by. I lied because I figured they'd eventually caught on. Still to this day, no one knows about the fake report cards.

I met my girlfriend almost 4 years ago now, and boy do I love her. My entire family loves her, my friends love her, she is overall just amazing. She is probably the happiest part of my life..

About 2.5 years ago, my dad... suddenly died. His death was very sudden, and was not expected. My parents were both out at a friends celebrating a cancer run my mom completed. But of course, they both were drinking and lots. I received a call about 1am in the morning from my mom, crying in hysterics that something happened to my dad. But of course to my disbelief I played it off like... sure, you're drunk and you are always over dramatic about anything. i got to the hospital and waited about an hour. Now, being a very timid guy at this point, I spoke with the doctor. That's when he told me... My dad was on life-support, and that is the only thing keeping him alive. He fell down some stairs, hit his head and the damage was just to severe.

This is when my heart ripped out of me. I laid by my dad for the next 4 days, without once leaving the hospital. I cried and cried and cried and my heart bled for him. But I figured, now is the time to stand up and be a man for my family. I decided that I would take care of all of his arrangements, take care of all of his paper work on the estate. I did pretty much everything to settle up his death. I felt like it was my responsibility and that moving forward I was going to be the man.

During this time, I was going to college (also missing a lot of classes with bad excuses). I was actually in college since I was 18. But all through college, I struggled. I would miss classes, be afraid of presentation, never made any friends. I ended up failing my last 4 exams because this was right when my died died. But even still, I didn't fail because he died, I failed out because I have issues.

I am scared to talk to new people. I to this day avoid contact with people by any means necessary. I avoid the phone at all costs, and try to avoid even the littlest contact with people. For instance, if I am walking out to my car and see someone... I will wait until theyre gone before I go to my car. I seem to really over think any circumstance.. I feel like everyone looks at me weird, or I feel stupid when I say something... So it's just easier to not say anything. Lately, on my days off, i stay at home... alone. I have had this really weird thing about living vicarously through facebook. I constantly creep facebook like I am part of peoples lives, but when really I don't speak with them at all anymore. I feel like I have been constantly avoiding any type of situation. Like i don't even do anything fun anymore. I hate going to do new things, or meeting new people. I seem to be afraid of the unknown, and it's getting to the point where every single day I wake up and hate my life.

I don't hate my life that I have, I hate the life I know I don't have. It's weird and don't really know how to explain it. Like some days I am really happy, but some days im not. But i never show I am not happy. I have always been the one that's like a brick wall with my emotions. I act this way around my family all the time. They all think im stone with my emotions and that I have been able to deal with my dads death.

The truth is, my dad's death has been such a huge issue for me, but I have never talked about it with anyone. I mean, i have had my cries with my gf, but I have never once really got down to how I truly feel. I don't think i ever will because i get embarrassed. I don't want to deal with how everyone thinks differently of me.

Basically, I feel lost... I want my life to be happier but I don't know what to do.

Sorry for the long rant, I hope you are able to follow it. I hope there are some good suggestions or insight to this, because I do not know where to start to get my life to what I want.

Thank you,


08-06-2012, 07:58 PM
I mean.... There is a lot more to everything then I have wrote. I know i surely missed some parts that could help with suggestions... So please, feel free to ask anything that may be missing. Thank you.

08-06-2012, 08:38 PM
You are clearly grieving. I cant imagine.. I have no advice on that part because I have never experienced.such a loss.. What i dont understand from your,post is why you put such emphasis you,love your girlfriend.. You.start your thread with it.an to me its almost.as.if your.trying to.convince yourself..i dont know . That is just what I gathered from your post. Other than that you seem like your pretty normal.most guys dont show much emotion its like they arent alowed or something but the situation you have been dealt clearly needs an emotional release or else you will just feel it there.. All the time.. Constant pain

08-07-2012, 09:01 AM
HIFI, (I've got 2 Bose Acoustamass series 4's..bolted onto a Harmin Kardin and threw in some Cerwins on the side..I like HI-FI really loud)

I have read through your post 1 time and do not plan to re-visit the typed words so as I can get this done before it shuts down again..HIFI...OMGAWD!!! I had composed a nearly complete reply only to have my computer shut itself down!..GRRRR!!!. I knew that hair in my oatmeal was only the beginning of this day. Nice to meet you sir..
I will warn you however that I am a grampa at 44 and am placing a huge demand on an old ass, outta date Cyborg Model #1 to keep my mind sharp and honed. If you notice that it appears I am rambleing over and over again, then read it twice as it'll make better sense the next time around as I also attempt to mask my "partsheimers" disease too..
So here we go new friend..

As I recall reading through your posted chronological life calendar (of which I like because all cards are on the table) I recall you mentioning exacting and fineite details of memories that are stored and burnt onto your hard drive, as if they were yesterday. I will call this part "childhood=comparison=analogy and reason for this is to let you put together the things that you will experience in this future, you just do not know when. You speak about family issues in great detail as if you continued to input and store these facts for a reason. Now, why would anyone record in memory specific events, instances, occasions, occurances,..in regards to relationships, actions, re-actions, or moments so finely and precisely?....There are 2 answers for this question. The first is for your own learning experiences, lifes a game you learn as you go..true, and also a country song as well. The second is, to share these experiences with others as you have done here but this one has 2 sides to it. You shared intimate details of your life to ask and out of curiosity as to why you retained them, and second you wished for others to learn, think about, and create simalarities within their own lives and minds that of which may help them..you're trying to understand on one hand, and trying to be helpful on the other hand. Creative mind..This is where I come into play, with the same intention.

to be continued...

08-07-2012, 09:02 AM
You mentioned no noticaeable academic or educational issues or impairments of your younger years throughout elementary and into middle and high school..but, these are the moments in your life whereas you recall the majority of the concerns and regards of issues "within family social interactions". Children are products of their environments, and you learn the most viable, resourceful, and useful information in this aspect while being in childhood, not ABC'S and 123's...The "real world tools of success" are provided to you in these early years. (Comparison analogy=me). Although I lived with my parents together until their divorce when i was 10, I did not know them, nor remember any A-SPECIFIC details of them or about them. Why?.. They were providing me with no parental interaction for me to perceive, acknowledge, process. Wrong? No, just a different style of parenting, much the same as I have done with my kids of 21, 16, 14...I did, and will continue to give them the basic principles of living in this society but it is up to them to figure out what is right, wrong, hard, easy, fulfilling, or desructive. Again i say, "children are products of their environment" and this carries with them into adulthood to be altered, modified, and adjusted according to needs, wants, desires, and directives for ambition or skills. It was up to me as a child to learn, learn on my own, at my own pace, rate, style as I realized what it was that I lacked throughout childhood? Direction, input, advice, guidance, attention..it wasn't there. Why? It was how they themselves were raised. Now here's the catch, I took into account what it was that I was deprived of (not in a bad way, because there is no "Instruction Manual for Parenting") and molded my parenting skills to fill the void that I felt would be very viable and useful to my own children. I gave them everything that I was deficient in, and this is actually a very weird moment because as I was on a "cruise" with my youngest daughter lastnight she asked me out of the blue "dad, is our relationship f**ked up?". I asked why would you ask that now?...Her reply, "well, because other people think that you're more of a friend then a parent?". I explained to her why I parent in this manner. "No, it isn't f**ked up. It is my style because I believe that you will learn more in life, from living life itself as it is presented to you by this world and these experiences will be engrained into your mind and some will be harsh and painful, but there are reasons for them also. They're called "trials" or in laymens terms "test" that you will either pass or fail, depending upon your own choice of decision". "your future depends upon you and not me". I then used an example that she could understand at 16.."I believe that parents that smother their children, make all decisions for them, and plan their lives for them, will not have the adequate and essential tools necessary to be successful in the (real world) on their own because they were never allowed to think for themselves. So, I envsion kids who are "sheltered" to be wondering about, seeking for someone to provide them with an answer to any question that they may have (and will) in their future lives". She DID understand that partof this equation quite well, I worded it accurately. She asked one more question of me, "do you trust me?". My reply, "yes, I have always trusted you and you already know the 3 simple and basic rules of my operation and they are, do NOT lie to me, do NOT steal from me, do NOT disrespect me with verbal vomit. Now, do I expect perfectionism from you? No, that is an impossiblity and a demand that could not be met by any human on this planet and I would be let down assuredly"...End of conversation.

Now, why did dipshit grampa Enduronman just type all that crap?..Because I do not carry around the events, shortages, harshness, problems, troubles, issues, concerns, of my parents and their own chosen behaviors and methods of parenting as positives and or failures whereas.....YOU DO. The past, has past, and can not ever be fixed, changed, altered, re-lived to better suit you or anyone else. I accept what I was offered from both parents while they were there, and coherent enough to even know if they were there or not. It is not a fault, flaw, failure by any means as they did the best that THEY could've. I ACCEPT that..Perfect? NO..NO ONE IS nor EVER WILL BE SO DON'T EXPECT IT. You will be let down...

Now, back to you. You graduated school, congratulations! That is something that I could not do, nor acheive or accomplish. I made it to the 7th grade. I was a straight A student until that year, until I realised that I got my 1st B+ in Mrs. McPikes science class...I had never seen one, I was devastated, destroyed, immediately felt like a failure..I realised that there are others "out there" that can and will control my own path and destiny FOR ME. I was not accustomed to this, but understood it INSTANTLY. I would not, nor did I allow their opinions of me to be anything less then perfect as that was the high demand that I was also placing upon myself..perfectionism. I was, and still am extremely smart, intelligent, swift, quick, react instantly, and am relentless as well regardless of cause and effect. Which would explain 30+ arrest prior to the age of 18 years, in 3 different counties, and 4 of them felonies and facing a number of years incarcerated that I will NOT disclose here. I rebelled against this world..and everyone in it. NO ONE was going to be allowed to control me..Only problem was, once you're behind bars and you visually notice that you're the only 1 that's different in there, that you are being controlled. That's yet another "trial" or "test"...At one point there were 21 of them, and 1 of me...at another point there were 11 of them, 1 of me.. Was I scared?..What do you think?.. NOPE. Was I alone in these conditions like I was throughout my entire life to this point? Yes..it was a world I was very well acclamated, and accustomed to being in. Who put me in there?...My parents? NOPE, me..my actions, choices, decisions put ME where I was. Would more guidance from my parents prevented these actions?..NOPE again, I would not allow it, nor would I have listened to their words of widom even if they did offer it to me. It was just how I was wired, programmed, and I had this genetic predisposition to be this way because my ancestors were Vikings. It was my nature, instinct, personality, strength...Was I physically harmed, damaged, beaten, battered, bruised, and bloody chained to a hospital bed many times? Yes.. Why in the hell would I tell you all this?..You'll see soon enough.
I HAVE NOT BROKEN 1 SINGLE LAW SINCE AGE 18..In fact, I cant even get my juvenile records anymore as it has been 26 YEARS..I tried last week to obtain them. Why? Because I wish to HELP young fellas to locate "the switch" that is within everyones brain. I wished to consult with my local JDC to assist them in locating it. Most, (if not all, according to my wife who went to school until age 29 to become a Superior Court Judge, and now a City Court Judge, and also a Senior Judge throughout this entire state) do not have this ability nor this skill nor will they succeed in life as over 80% of them return to of course, prison. The other 10% dies, the other 8% disappears only to re-appear in another state..in trouble of course.

Although I say I have a 7th grade academic education, I did somehow manage to make it to age 16 within the school systems of this state via D-'s and as you mentioned schools or relocating in your posting (I think) I attended 6 different High Schools as a new student. Was that tough? I dont think that word even comes close to those experiences. I was saught out by the "bullies" of every single school I went to and attended. They ALL approached in their futile attempts to let me know..."who they thought was in charge"...WRONG MOVES on their parts, there were many, many of them. I somehow attracted them. Blonde hair, blue eyed, full blooded, Viking...my genetic predisposition expected them, before they even arrived. I knew they were coming, and I knew what to do, how to do it, very, very quickly and decisively..They ALL hit the ground after the first moment of inception, the first blow, the first strike, the first move. Yes, ambulances had to retrieve them and they not small, weak, adversarys..they were formidable foes...just had no idea what I actually was. Why all this?...We're gettin there friend, just bare with me.

to be continued again...

08-07-2012, 09:04 AM
The loss of a parent=devastational circumstance. I fortunately still have both parents living, although they BOTH had cancer 3 years ago at the same time. I love them both dearly but also find some of their odd idiosyncrasies sometimes hard to process. I do however, let them both know of them also. I also accept that part of life, is death..and nature that can not be controlled, altered, or adusted. I do for them, the best that I can just as you did for your father..the best you couldv'e done. Stop wondering if theres something that you wouldve, shouldve, couldve done for him because you ALREADY DID the best that you were capable of doing.. ACCEPTANCE of the environmental stresses and challenges of daily life are enough to make most people in this 21st Century psychotic in itself. STOP re-living a past event friend, you loved him, he loved you..you will see him again, and that is assured. I'm still going...

I felt loss like that, although the extreme feelings of loss, remorse, grieving was not created by the loss of a family member. It was created by the loss of the only pet that I ever had and truly cared about, a mans best friend...a dog. It is by no way in comparison to a mother or fathers loss, but the feeling is equally as intense and your mind and body processes this loss no differently as it doesnt know how too. I loved that dog..it was my only real friend and companion at age 10. It was always there for me, beside me, following me,..until I saw the moment of his demise. I was "permanently damaged" at that point, and swore i would never care for nor ever have another dog again because of that pain. I have not had one since..A crushing blow. I did however learn to adapt and to yet again care about another animal(s)..My daughter loves cats, and so do now I too. We lost 1 last week, a runt of the litter. Tiny little feller, named Rambo. We TRIED to save him but he was born with NO strength nor instincts. We were BLESSED to see him, watch him, hear him..for 1 single day. He passed..I made a redwood casket, cried along with my daughter, as we both realised that we loved him after 1 single day. We wished, hoped, prayed for a positive result for him and his life but yet again..we were crushed. I do not look at this issue or events like this as a curse any longer, I look at this as a blessing, and a gift, that we were actually given and allowed to acknowledge and recognise his efforts to fight hard to survive...just like I've had too. This yet again was another "trial" and an event that I and my daughter were to learn from. We did...Look at the time that you did get to spend with your father as a blessing and a gift, rather then a terrible and horrifying loss friend because in my opinion, that is what it truly was. Change your perspective view, and delete all negative thought in regards to this tragedy...You already know deep down inside, that he would not, nor does he expect you to live in such fear, agony, sorrow, despair, and constant grief. Make your father proud of you, you're worrying him but he can not show you or tell you that...but you know that already. Become that strong son that he wished for you to be and walk with your head high, strong, proud..That is what his wish for you really is to begin with bruh... Immediately change, fix, alter, and modify these thought processes within your own mind. The "switch" is there, but theres only 1 person that knows where its at?...YOU SIR.

Last but not least. Avoiding people, avoiding phones, afraid to meet new people, creepin faceplant, and continueing to grieve is only going to "feed this blazing internalised despair to a point of exhaustion".... This will not only destroy you, it will destroy those of which are around you that wish to have you in their lives as an intimate component of a tolerable, bareable, liveable, life...with ANYONE. People can "sense" things that are wrong (not all people can). People can "read" other people too (again not everyone is capable of this)...but I can. Why?...Look at what MY life was like, I HAD TO LEARN HOW TO SENSE AND READ EVERYONE IN IT... Almost done..Suggestions to FIX this issue really quickly will now follow:

1. OPEN UP! Internalising all if these "chronic stress inputs" will provide you with other more serious issues that you can not bare not tolerate. (therapist, councelor, psychologist, anyone to talk too)..GET IT OUT!
2. Not showing emotional weakness?...It ISNT A WEAKNESS, IT IS A STRENGTH...Unvail it for all to see..relieve the internal pressure valves before you explode and have no idea why..Trust me on this one, this is vital.
3. Go see a reputable DOCTOR and discuss the medicinal treatment options available to you. (fluoxetine, anti-depressant..buspar, anti-anxiety..hydrox, anti-anxiety...xanax, anti-anxiety) This is trial and error time friend, you have no time to waste here. If it works, great, if it doesnt, start over..
4. Your NEW relationship depends upon how you react to this, and how fast you react to this...sounds scary?...Yes, it is..but also VERY true.
5. You are worthy, strong, able..I "sense" that from a typed post in cyberspace, or I would not have taken this time to advise, suggest, and offer...


and remember, I believe in you too...although you do not know who I even am, I have an expectation of you too so please try not to let Enduronman the retarded Viking down either.

Go make your plans for corrective measures and plans of attack.

Pleasure communicating with you bruh, you got this!...and when you doubt as to whether you really do?...Read about me..it isnt as disableing as you think.

Kindest regards and best wishes,

Enduronman. :)

08-07-2012, 09:53 AM
Oh BTW, sorry for the 3 seperate wall postings as I did NOT realize that I was limited to 10,000 letters until I was done!! I went into "something is gettin ready to break" mode and had to call my wife in from court to show MORON me how to get these 17,000 letters up here to read!!.. I literally did not have the knowledge to figure out how to cut, copy, paste, yadda yadda bla bla and the only thing I thought about doing was smashing this computer and blame IT for the problem! Anyway, there are my thoughts and I truly hope that you can find something in there to help you along your life journey...

E- (thank God my wife rescued this electronic gadget and this kitchen too) Man..:)