View Full Version : Hey guys, please help me.. Im kinda desperate for help.

08-03-2012, 05:05 PM
So many of you have seen my multiple posts before, and you're probably getting annoyed with me but here we go:

I am a 15 Y/O male 137 lbs. 5' 9"

a lot of people say im really young and shouldn't be having anxiety.. Doctors don't know what caused it, I'm not stressed, but one day i just had a panic attack, out of the blue.. I think what sparked my anxiety was just that random panic attack, and ever since then i've been scared about heart attacks and stuff like that... I'm always afraid that im just going to die.. I know that me having a heart attack is totally unlikely.. I'm extremely athletic.. 1 hour of vigorous activity at least 6 times a week. I just need help on how to cope with something like this..

I had a ct scan done because they thought my chest pain was caused by a blood clot, and In that CT scan they examined my whole chest and said that my heart wasn't plugged up at all, and they said that it was pretty much impossible for me to have a heart attack. but for some reason, i always think its going to happen..

08-03-2012, 05:35 PM
1. stop stressing about the unknowns, assumptions, speculations..they are doing you 0 good. Stop.
2. yer lean, and right where you should be. People have genetic abnormalities that can cause anxiety, each parent carries a gene but it isnt until the 2 cross that you will have the predispostion for anxiety or some other condition. You cant change that, its nature..you can help it by not stressin over it and ask for the appropriate medications to help "alleviate" some of this worry, fret, and unecessary concerns. STOP.
3. A panic attack means yer body is going into "fight or flight" response. This is normal. Unless, it consumes you daily..hence=GAD, SAD, PTSD, and all kinds of other D words too..STOP
4. yer not going to die of heart failure at 15 nor have a cardiac arrest either. stop..Quit the fear of the unknown. Am I afraid to die? NO..that is the difference between you and I. I am in control of most of my life, but I do not bother over things I can not anticipate. stop.
5. yer chest pain is more then likely caused by your 6 hrs a week of extreme activity..(sports, weights, strenous)..It means your chest muscles are growing. stop.
6. the only way you could even create an environment for a heart attack is to eat fried chicken every night for 9 more years...yer not going to do that. stop frettin son, and ACCEPT the unknowns. Flip the switch in your brain..I flip switches, like snappin a finger bro..

Sorry to be so forward, but it is what is best here. Enjoy the life that God gave you, WHILE YER YOUNG!!! I'm a freakin GRANDFATHER!!!

Turn it OFF..

Best wishes,

08-03-2012, 05:41 PM
Haha that made me chuckle. Dont worry about being to straight forward, I actually appreciate that. Thanks for all the advice Sir. Have a great day! God bless!

08-03-2012, 05:44 PM
There ya go dude!! Now, go get a freakin shower and go bust some caps wif yer roadies!!!... Key word above: GOD.. He's watching over you man, and he knows yer a good kid. Now go enjoy this night!!!

Papaw E-Man.