View Full Version : Does anyone get a weird dizzy/off balance feeling sometimes?

08-01-2012, 07:49 PM
Hey guys,

So I was up on campus today helping a buddy move into apartments nearby. In the mornings, I've been feeling a little... off... like really fatigued and anxious, like heavy head and stuff but I think thats also because I just recently turned my sleep schedule completely around from going to bed at 8 AM and waking up at 5 PM to going to bed at 7 PM and waking up at 4 AM. But I didn't really feel too off going up there, until we started carrying stuff up. I noticed once I set the boxes down, I felt really... off-balance. Like not "Tip over" off-balance but, it felt like when I stepped down, my body felt like it was going through the floor. Like my body had that feeling like when your going down the big hill on a roller coaster. And I had heavy head at the same time. I'm a wee bit of a hypochondriac so I tried not to panic about it by thinking what it could be. ... I just told myself its probably adrenaline from not getting enough exercise. Like this is literally the most exercise I've done since before my appendix surgery.

I just wanted to know if maybe it is just another thing that follows with anxiety and if other people experience it too? My friend said it was adrenaline. But I'm not sure... I've never felt this way before and I used to lift weights a lot in High School.

Thanks for any replies. :]

08-01-2012, 07:50 PM
Yup, completely normal

08-02-2012, 01:33 AM
Hi, it certainly seems quite common. Even in the past 2 weeks we've had 3 or 4 different posts about dizziness. I'm still getting it myself on and off for about 2 weeks now. Even went to the hospital and they said it was mild vertigo. It's quite an unnerving feeling I must admit, but try and keep busy and with any luck it'll pass or at least not be at the forefront of your mind.
