View Full Version : GAD or ADHD

07-30-2012, 05:48 PM
First off, I officially do have GAD. The question is: are my behaviors related to anxiety or more like ADHD. I've been on several RX stimulates, so I'm very curious to know what other ppl think. :)
...I've had bad anxiety for about 8, almost 9yrs. I was thinking today about all my symptoms and this is what I face: the things I need to do or activities id like to attend, like school, parties, etc.. I can't. But if I dont need to do it, things I like or enjoy, I have a much easier time doing.

Is this more similar to GAD, because I really do have a lot of anxiety, or something more similar to ADHD? Thanks.

07-30-2012, 06:20 PM
This is def anxiety. I have the exact same thing.. But ive also been on adderall before and its helped tremendously so i do believe they are somewhat connected. i mean when i have terrible anxiety i cant concentrate on anything!

07-30-2012, 06:28 PM

It's easier to do the things you like because you have chosen to do them at your own leisure and without pressure.

With school, parties and other social/exposure events comes some pressure. Pressure to look good & pressure to perform well, for example.

Perhaps you just don't like these pressures? (but at the same time wish you could just do it without anxieties)
Pressure can lead to anxiety, after all.

07-31-2012, 02:41 AM
Thank you for the insights. If I might also ask, ivanas757, what do you do to help you through the times of high anxiety/trouble concentrating. Also, to dazza, what do you recommend when someone feels pressure about something but needs to do it? Thanks in advanced!

07-31-2012, 06:34 PM
My new thing is i write down my worry an then write a positive to over ride it.

08-01-2012, 01:14 AM
Clyde - some people are just not as outgoing or confident as others.
To the less confident - pressure situations can lead to high anxiety.

The most common cause for lack of confidence is that the sufferer THINKS that they will be judged and mocked and the best way to over-ride this is to think about it logically, over and over until you convince yourself that this really isn't the case. Because it REALLY isn't.

08-01-2012, 06:54 AM
My daughter at 15 checked herself into the hospital( with mom and dad by her side) I was terrified that she would be bipolar....but they diagnosed her with depression...which we already knew...and adhd the latter a shock to us. And once it was treated her depression lifted within a matter of days, and so did her anxiety. I don't know if that helps you. But that's what worked for her. She's almost 18 now and doing well.

08-04-2012, 06:23 PM
Thanks for all the responses. Very helpful. I guess I have another question. I've been on so many meds.- so many I sometimes say that I'm a walking pharmacy...
I've just had an evaluation, in which I was given the GAD diagnoses, but not ADHD (although I've read into it and I feel like I have many of the symptoms). I've been on stimulates. As resent as last summer. The reason I was taken off them was because I would crash so badly in the evening.
My question: what might be a good alternative to meds, for either condition? I'm still going to take my meds of course, but maybe I'm missing something. Thanks.

08-05-2012, 07:43 AM
Don't worry, you're NOT a walking pharmacy..I am. When my Dr. of 23 years tells me that he has NO other patient on more (controlled substances) then I am then you get the picture. I too have ADD, ADHD, but I have the right medications to deal with that and also the anxiety too....

Great alternative meds are: beta-blockers if your BP is high. They "mask or hide" the physical manifestions of a panic attack. They slow your heart rate, they block (beta=adrenaline). No one can see them, but you can still feel them. Xanax is a solid anti-anxiety agent and is a GABA agonist inside the brain. Also, I have many herbals that work very well too but it took awile to figure these out for sure.. Just some thoughts.
