View Full Version : could all my symptoms just be anxiety?

07-30-2012, 03:31 AM
Hello all, I am new here. I just wanted to know if anyone could help me out. All my problems seemed to start almost two years back when I was hospitalized for sever abdominal pain. it was so painful that I couldn't stand up straight. this has happened three more times since then and no doctor can figure it out. within the next few years I devloped a fear of unrealistic events and fear of darkness. it has esclated to the point of having to sleep with almost every light in my house on. nightmares and bizarre dreams are also on my list. I can't seem to be able to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning, but then I can't wake up until 2 or 3 pm the following afternoon. there have been times I've slept over 24 hours. frequent urnation, especially at night has also become a problem. tightness and pain in my chest that usually occurs at night happens every so offen. this does not occur when I feel anxious though. I also experiance random heart palpations. I see things out of the hornet of my eyes that aren't there. in febuary I lost the majority if sight in my left eye, but it returned within a week. I was tested for MS and thankfully came back clean. I have to drive, I get extremly nerves when others drive. there are times when I feel like there is a lump in my throat that hurts especially when I try to swallow but this also happens when I do not feel anxious. I have diffiulty swallowing as well. food tends to get stuck in my throat. I have a decreased sex drive. I have withdrawn from being social. I used to love meeting new people, but now I feel awkward and anxious when talking to people. I know this is a lot, and it isn't even all of it. I'm just hoping someone out there can tell me that I'm not a crazy person!

07-30-2012, 04:23 AM
You are not a crazy person !!!
You suffer from anxiety but most deff not crazy.
Everything you've mentioned here , I also experience .
Anxiety causes so many symptoms & really does have a big impact on life in general . Have you seen anyone about medication / cbt therapy , etc

07-30-2012, 05:34 PM

What's most likely happened to you is;

Because your severe stomach pains weren't diagnosed, you've been left to your own horrific thoughts of what the cause COULD be, right?

I'm betting that in your desperate quests to find answers, you've been googling all kinds of crap and on most occasions you've concluded the worst, right?

Here's the problem: If you keep having these reoccuring, horrific thoughts & self (worst case) diagnostics - you essentially frighten the life out of yourself and the brain becomes saturated with these thoughts - they take over and so anxiety disorder is born.

This, is essence, is what anxiety disorder is. The brain's been overwhelmed with fear, so much so that it becomes dominent in your everyday conscience & (even worse) subconscience.

The cure is to dig out those deeply embedded thoughts. Not easy, you have to dig deep - but it can be done.