View Full Version : Blood work questions/ bad anxiety

Forrest Owl
07-27-2012, 08:30 PM
Ok so I am having a burst of anxiety and hypochondria, this happens about once every two months now.

Right now I am afraid I could have leukemia, why I don't know I am just freaked out that I do

2 months ago I had my yearly routine blood work done with lipid panels and all the other routine blood stuff, when they do the white, red and platelet count if something was wrong with them would it show up? would they be able to tell even if I had Leukemia even if it wasn't chronic yet? I am worried the doc wouldn't notice. I wasn't told anything was off, but I am still freaking out

I always afraid of getting breast cancer, ovarian caner, leukemia, lymphoma, and a brain tumor.


07-27-2012, 09:09 PM
That's how anxiety works. I worry about having serious health conditions all the time. My test results come out good but I will start to question the results. What if thinking is stinking thinking.

Forrest Owl
07-27-2012, 10:04 PM
but what I want to know is can it be noticed in routine blood work

07-28-2012, 01:37 AM
It would absolutely show up in your blood work. No doubt about it!

07-28-2012, 08:36 AM
Yes, it would show up in blood work. You're white blood cell count would have been high.

07-28-2012, 09:35 AM
Ok so I am having a burst of anxiety and hypochondria, this happens about once every two months now.

Right now I am afraid I could have leukemia, why I don't know I am just freaked out that I do

2 months ago I had my yearly routine blood work done with lipid panels and all the other routine blood stuff, when they do the white, red and platelet count if something was wrong with them would it show up? would they be able to tell even if I had Leukemia even if it wasn't chronic yet? I am worried the doc wouldn't notice. I wasn't told anything was off, but I am still freaking out

I always afraid of getting breast cancer, ovarian caner, leukemia, lymphoma, and a brain tumor.


I go through that as well. I had some bad bruises of unknown origin...the doctor told me he was testing for leukemia (which my uncle died from) I think that was the worst 10 days of my life! But everything was normal...bruises went away and that was the end of it.