View Full Version : Anxiety, Blood Pressure, & BP Meds.

07-26-2012, 04:29 PM

Struggling with health anxiety is hard! Now its getting harder as i'm trying to work out if i'm having side effects from new medication, or my anxiety symptoms are worsening!

Is anyone else here on blood pressure meds. For high blood pressure, not beta blockers for anxiety?
Unfortunately i cant take beta blockers as i have a history of asthma, although i believe they would work wonders for both my anxiety and hypertension.
I am currently on my 4th week trial of Isoptin SR 180 (calcium channel blocker) and am yet to see a difference to my blood pressure.

The painful part is, i'm struggling to tell my anxiety symptoms apart from the negative side effects of the medicine.
I get chronic head spins, which is normal when blood pressure starts to drop. But if i take my blood pressure when im dizzy, my pressure is still up at its usual high levels.
I have struggled with anxiety long before i started these meds, and never had the dizzy spells.

I dont know how to work out if its a reaction to the meds, or my brain preempting the symptoms and bunging them on.

Any thoughts?

07-26-2012, 04:42 PM
Extra not:
My heart rate has sat around the 100bpm mark throughout my period of anxiety.
Now it can be anywhere between 55bpm to 90bpm.

Its scary!

07-26-2012, 08:51 PM
I'm on blood pressure meds and have been since I had my daughter 9 years ago. I also take zoloft, ativan and a birth control pill. My anxiety spikes my blood pressure incredibly, but with taking my meds, everything is mostly in control. My first two weeks on zoloft were absolute hell, but now that I am a month and a half in to taking them, I have NO side effects at all. I never had side effects from my blood pressure meds either. Blood pressure meds--I take cozaar and it keeps everything in control-

Sassy Girl
09-04-2012, 12:11 AM
I'm on Minax for high blood pressure. The doctor wants to put me on Amlodipine as well. I have a phobia (read terror as it's much worse than phobia) of taking any new medication so am very, very scared and anxious at the moment. I have health anxiety as well. I am also trying to figure out what is anxiety, what are the side effects from my medication and what is a possible heart attack. Last night my diastolic was 134 which I've been told you have to call an ambulance if it's above 120. I freaked out as I didn't want to waste their time. I hate health anxiety so much :(