View Full Version : I don't believe the neurologist or any doctor....

07-25-2012, 05:07 PM
So, today I went to a neurologist. I have constant head pressure, it's excruciating and doesn't go away. She said it wasn't a migraine but tension headache. I've had it two months and it effects everything. The only way to get rid of it is anti-depressants she says. No sir! Too many horrible stories and you never know how any medicine will effect you good or bad. I've been to 3 medical doctors, a neurologist, had a cat scan, had 3 ok blood work tests and 3 ok urine tests. I think I am slowly dying daily and these doctors aren't catching it, I swear I have some type of incurable disease. I'm sick of hearing oh it's just anxiety.

Tremors - I hate these! :(
Muscle weakness
Ear pressure/ ringing
Sinus problems
Occasional low grade fever
Occasional dizziness
Racing heart
Blurry eye
Stomach issues
Itchy scalp
Irregular Periods
Facial numbness
Heat intolerance
Weather change intolerance
Neck pain

Sometimes all at once. :(

07-25-2012, 05:22 PM
I don't want to sound harsh but I don't know any other way to say it.....you are dying slowly everyday....we all are. If you won't believe what the medical professionals are telling you then why do you keep seeing them? I personally made the choice to take an AD and it has helped tremendously. I hope that you find a course of treatment that gives you some peace. Have you tried CBT?

07-25-2012, 05:47 PM
I don't want to sound harsh but I don't know any other way to say it.....you are dying slowly everyday....we all are. If you won't believe what the medical professionals are telling you then why do you keep seeing them? I personally made the choice to take an AD and it has helped tremendously. I hope that you find a course of treatment that gives you some peace. Have you tried CBT?

I'm hoping someone will get to the root of the problem that's why I go to so many. To get different opinions, yet they end up being the same. I think they are passing me off. If you don't mind me asking what antidepressant do you use? Thanks. CBT isn't really helpful.

07-25-2012, 05:59 PM
I'm sure you've already considered it...,but have you stepped back and looked at the situation as the professionals are all telling you that you are fine and you are the only one who believes that you aren't?

I started on generic Zoloft. Now I am on Wellbutrin because my gp wanted me to drop some weight. They have both been pretty effective for me. Not perfect but much better than I was.

07-25-2012, 09:50 PM
I'm sure you've already considered it...,but have you stepped back and looked at the situation as the professionals are all telling you that you are fine and you are the only one who believes that you aren't?

I started on generic Zoloft. Now I am on Wellbutrin because my gp wanted me to drop some weight. They have both been pretty effective for me. Not perfect but much better than I was.

Okay, that's good they work. You're right! It is hard believing them.

07-25-2012, 09:58 PM
Don't listen to people saying God is the answer! Hey, Im Religious so hey, I look to God to help me. But if you're not spiritual don't think that you need to convert to feel good again. Just try to give yourself peace of mind. Use what the doctors say the help you with that. If they say you're healthy, then you must believe you are healthy.

Edit: Just realized your name is Ilovegod. haha sorry