View Full Version : Recovery from Lyme disease

07-22-2012, 09:35 PM
About a month and a half ago, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I'm still recovering. And in the process, I've gained a good 3 inches on my waist and a little bit on my hips. I also became depressed and had a pregnancy scare. I had a period after the scare, and after what would have been implantation, so I know that I'm not pregnant (the situation in which it might have been possible left it unlikely, too). But now, with a growing waist, it's bringing back the feelings of fear I had when I thought I could be pregnant. I'm young and can't afford to ruin my life like that.

I need a way to lose this weight and convince myself that pregnancy isn't something to worry over, because I almost sure it's just my mind's anxiety making me freak out. How do I deal with this stress, get over my fear, and lose this weight?