View Full Version : Please.. someone.. I don't know anymore...

02-16-2007, 11:04 PM
I don't know if it's depression or a teenage thing, but I sometimes get very sad. I get very bad thoughts. I feel distant from people, I don't want to be near anyone, but at the same time I do. I don't wanna be alone but I don't want to be near anyone. I feel like crying and I feel alone. I get thoughts that aren't very good, not about anyone, but myself. I feel stupid after the mood passes. But sometimes I just wanna give up, let everyone live without having to deal with me and my moods. I'm in one now, and I will probably regret posting this, but I don't know what else to do. I don't like talking about it, I feel like it's the "right thing" to do though. Maybe someone can help me, give me advice, anything? Honestly wouldn't surprise me if no one did, or if it was just me over reacting and being stupid.


02-17-2007, 03:24 AM
Sometimes life can be hard but Dying wont solve anything only living will next time you are feeling down consider this poor blokes story.

After his wife left him, Urwin, a miner from sunderland england, made the decsion to take his own life . After trying to overdose three times and surviving, He wound electrical wire around his body got into a bathtub and plugged it into the electrical outlet. Unfortunatly for him or fortunatly the fuse blew and he suffered nothing more than a minor shock. By this time he was really feeling down having failed to kill himself four times. He took the same peice of wire and attempted to hang himself with it, but predictably it snapped and he feel to the floor... not happy , Mr Urwin was if nothing else a persistant man. He next attempted to gas himself via breaking a gas pipe next to his bed. After a couple of hours he decided it was taking too long and came up with a cunning plan. He simply lit a match. The explosion blew away half of his semi-detached house, the roof and the windows. However he was pulled out of the wreackage suffering nothing more than some minor burns. He was then convicted of arson and sentanced to two years on probation. A few months later he was back on speaking terms with his wife and felt considerably cheerier.


02-18-2007, 01:13 AM
Music_Lover, you are not overreacting or being stupid. Depression is a very painful condition. When we're depressed, it's like we're seeing the world through shit-coloured glasses. Our perception of everything is skewed and darkened and just plain shitty.

Remember that your family and friends love you. They would rather have you with all your moods than not have you at all. My uncle committed suicide this summer. He had been through many depressions in his life. His last depression would have ended and he would have seen that darkness lift eventually -- just like he had many times before. He didn't get that chance, though.

Things can seem so hopeless when we're depressed and it feels like things will never get better, but things will get better. Something I have found useful in dealing with my depression is keeping a journal. When I'm going through a depression, I go back and read my journals. I see that there were other times I felt this horrible, but those times were followed with times I felt good. It's a reality check and it reminds me that the black cloud does eventually lift. It also reminds me of all the wonderful things in my life I would have missed out on if I hadn't fought my way out of each and every one of those depressions.

You will get through this and you will feel better. You just don't see it right now. Remind yourself, as often as you can, that your perception is very altered right now and things WILL get better. Never, ever give up. Life will be beautiful for you again.