View Full Version : Offending a Friend, or Do what's best for me?

07-20-2012, 03:36 PM
I'm going to a party tomorrow. It's one of my best friend's 16th birthday party. She is very extraverted and I keep to myself. All of her friends have similar personalities and I find them obnoxious. Back when I used drugs recreationaly she was always checking up on me and making sure I was okay. She told me that she hates what I do and asked me to not be high around her. The problem is, when I take my anti anxiety med, Miltown, I become very visibly intoxicated. It's unlikely I'll be able to handle this party without drugs, due to personalities and amount of people there.
I really need advice.
Should I take the meds and not have a panic attack, and have a good time, and hurt my friend's feelings.
should I not take the meds, run the risk of panicing, have a bad time, but let my friend know I'm there for her.

07-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Dose she know about your anxiety and what the meds do ?? Maybe u should tell her that u feel like that u think u will need the meds and see wat she says. the best bet is to be straight up with her

07-21-2012, 01:01 AM
Take your meds and go enjoy ur time. And if she's really a gd friend she would understand what u r goin through and appreciate that you would be there for her.

07-21-2012, 07:32 PM
She had a band play that was far too loud, so I didn't have to deal with much. I just told her before and she wanted me to leave, I'd come hangout with her some other time. She said it was fine as long as I could keep myself in control, which I did.