View Full Version : struggling to relax

07-19-2012, 11:45 AM
Hi, first post, anxiety has recently been getting so bad especially at work. the main cause of my anxiety is the fact that my legs may go from underneath me and i will pass out, this stems from having reactive hypoglycemia which if i suffer from low blood sugar can cause fainting. altho i have never had a hypo and collapsed i still feel my legs turn into jelly and feel like im going ot pass out, i know this is anxiety but still cant get over it. i work as a gym instructor and walking from one end of the gym to the other causes this massively due to fear of passing out in front of everyone. i eat very healthy, exercise 3/4 x week and avoid all sugars. the only thing that helps me is going out at the weekend and binge drinking and this is when i feel normal. but the next day i feel like garbage and my anxiety is tenfold. really dont want to start on benzos but think this may be the option. i try and do relaxation exercises daily but find my mind wonders on other things and find it hard to actually get up and do any relaxation. i belive my breathing and relaxing are the main problem but really struggle to relax any ideas?

07-19-2012, 01:19 PM
Very like me when I drink I'm ok but the next day I feel horrible dizzy etc I'm on medication and don't take much at all just breathe it out

07-19-2012, 03:36 PM
From your post, the biggest concern is your hypoglycemia.
I have NO idea what this is, but I assume you are doing everything you should do to control it?

Controlling an actual health issue is your priority. Anxiety disorder comes (a very close) second.

I don't think you're helping yourself by getting rat-arsed at the weekends to be honest.
As tempting as it is, this is most likely a very bad idea given your situation.

Most anxious folk give up booze altogether... at least until they've got the anxiety under some kind of control anyway, and besides, is all that sugar intake good for your hypoglycemia?
(I'm no doctor, but I wouldn't have thought so)

Breathing is more important than we might first think, actually.
I have known a few people that previously suffered from frequent near, if not actual fainting... PURELY because they were not breathing deeply enough (it's true!)
After a couple therapy sessions and lessons on belly breathing - they were COMPLETELY cured.

07-20-2012, 12:33 PM
i did have a 5 hour glucose tolerance test which confirmed reactive hypoglycemia, this is under control as my diet is almost perfect, the only problem is in the back of my head that i believe i may pass out due to this. when under the influence of alcohol i completely forget this but i understand i need to cut back but hard when i see everyone around me out every wknd. i am going to try and make a real effort to do breathing exercises but find this makes me feel worse at the time, lightheaded and dizzy

07-20-2012, 12:40 PM
Tommy have u tried b 12 or vitamin d 3 ... You should look up vitamin d3 and anxiety... Speak with your doctor... Go talk to a health store or all natural employee to, there's allot out there u can experience with before u go to benzose ... Good luck Tiffany

07-20-2012, 12:44 PM
yeh was on a massive b vitamin complex and vitc, never tried vit d, seem to have tried every vit & mineral going with very little effects if im honest.

07-20-2012, 12:51 PM
Well google vitamin d3 and panick... I believe your doctor has to give u a shot for it , but hey it's worth a shot...

jon mike
07-21-2012, 03:19 PM
Breathing used to be one of my biggest issues. This guy helped with this. Give it a watch