View Full Version : Help please?

07-12-2012, 05:55 PM
I took .25 mg of Xanax about an hour and a half ago but I feel weird like when I stand up I get dizzy and I feel like I'm high. I have taken this before without this happening. Has this happened to anyone?

07-12-2012, 06:05 PM
do not worry. its just the benzos. they tend to do that. you probably should have taken a bit less. getting lightheaded when taken is normal i think.... it used to happen to me often.

07-12-2012, 06:07 PM
Anything different when you took it? Like have you eaten? Have you had enough water? We're you nervous ABOUT taking the Xanax? I used to take that and I hat taking pills. I was always scared they wouldn't work so something really had to be wrong with me. The very act of taking the pill was nerve wracking. I do remember it calming me and made me feel high. Either way, if anything were to happen, it probably would have already. Relax.

07-12-2012, 06:11 PM
yeah they always helped me too, but im in recovery so i cant take them anymore.... but do be careful with them. they work, but also are habit forming. im sure your ok. just sit back relax and watch the boob tube :)

07-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Well I had a bowl of cereal about an hour or two before taking it. I was nervous about taking it and yeah I took half first then I took the other half. But as I was taking the other half my jaw clenched up and I bit it. Is that bad??

07-12-2012, 06:18 PM
Well I had a bowl of cereal about an hour or two before taking it. I was nervous about taking it and yeah I took half first then I took the other half. But as I was taking the other half my jaw clenched up and I bit it. Is that bad??

no lol. it hits you faster if you do that... but do not do that on purpose please! dont im serious. if you need to chat im in the chat room, come onnnn in!