View Full Version : Racing heart all the time

07-08-2012, 05:48 PM
So, I know I have anxiety, and I really just need some reassurance. Does anyone else get a racing, thudding heart for long periods of time? Sometimes it will go on for an hour or more with me. It has been a. Purple years since I got any sort of heart tests done, but when I did they were normal. I'm 30, a smoker, and highly stressed I keep thinking maybe something has changed with my heart even though the symptoms Are the same as always. Sometimes I get short stabbing pains, sometimes it feels like my left side is weak and that someone is squeezing my left chest area. What bothers me is am I getting this as a panic symptom? Or am I panicking because of the symptom (chicken or egg). Also I should mention that I seem to belch more when it happens which does relieve pressure but it's the fact that it can go for what seems like forever that's scary. Thanks in advance for your help.

07-08-2012, 10:57 PM
If your really worried go to the doctor. Ik ik every one says that. And even when I go to the doctor I get releif for a day and then the next I freak out again. And with the whole chicken or the egg. Who knows. I would see a Shrink if I could afford it. Talking about it generally makes me feel better!!!

07-09-2012, 01:24 AM

I've had the racing heart and uncomfortable chest on SO many occasions...

In full blown panic mode my chest was absolutely killing me while my heart was beating like a 2-stroke piston. Thought I was gonna die on a handful of occasions.

Well, I didn't die (obviously... unless it's my ghost typing this) and neither will you. Keep that in mind.
Remember also what everyone tells you over and over again; it's your body reaction to an apparent threat or danger and NOTHING MORE.

You eventually get over this (took me 3 or 4 months)

Chin up and try not to panic. Panic feeds it.

07-09-2012, 06:42 AM
Thank you for your replies. I know panic feeds it I just freak out when it happens (obviously). I'm making an appointment today to see my doc. I just had an MRI done on my head for body numbness and that came back fine. It feels like my mind just switched its focus from that to my heart. I feel like I should be over the heart worry since its been happening since I was 18, frustrating.

07-09-2012, 04:51 PM
The fact you've had (unnecessary) health worries (with no actual health problems) for over a decade says it all really.

The evidence is right here on this thread.

You worry too much which has inadvertantly caused you a health anxiety disorder. Easily done... I know.

Re. the chicken and egg scenario:
I can guarantee that the worry occurs before the symptom, by the way.
All it takes is one little flash of a bad thought and off ya go on that familiar, downward spiral of what if's, buts, maybe's, oh my gods... and before you know it... wham, bam, thank-you mam... your body has reacted once again.

Anxiety LOVES to show itself and this eagerness grows over time, I feel.
One tiny, weeny, incy, little negative thought is enough to unleash the beast.

First we must understand the beast. Second we tame it. Thirdly, when all is said and done, we usher it back in its cage and lock the door the last time.

07-09-2012, 11:10 PM
You're so right Dazza, thank you for your reply. I know from the moment I wake up to falling asleep negative thoughts/questions addle my mind. It just builds and builds Til one sharp pain sends me into panic. Today I saw my doctor and he assured me I wasn't having a heart attack, though his reasoning wasn't very assuring because you always think you're the exception. I feel a little better and keep telling myself that I've felt this before, I've done this before. Then I try to battle the panic with phrases like 'oh well', 'who cares', and 'just kill me then' (not in a depressed way). Sometimes it helps.

07-09-2012, 11:20 PM
You're so right Dazza, thank you for your reply. I know from the moment I wake up to falling asleep negative thoughts/questions addle my mind. It just builds and builds Til one sharp pain sends me into panic. Today I saw my doctor and he assured me I wasn't having a heart attack, though his reasoning wasn't very assuring because you always think you're the exception. I feel a little better and keep telling myself that I've felt this before, I've done this before. Then I try to battle the panic with phrases like 'oh well', 'who cares', and 'just kill me then' (not in a depressed way). Sometimes it helps.

I go threw the same exact thing :( are stories are so similar. It is so comforting to know I am not alone ! My anxiety has reached a point to we're it is hard to go to far away from home in fear I'll have an attack :( I'm looking for answers and that magical cure! The sad thing is I know it's all in my mind and I just don't know how to break the horrible cycle I'm in ... I have children and I'm a single mom and I hate for them to see me freak out, worry, go to the er... Ect ... I just don't know how to break the pattern thanks for all the posts ! Tiffany pawlowski

07-09-2012, 11:35 PM
I went about 3 years actually managing my anxiety, lately it's through the roof. I realized that my job and my personal life are extremely stressful. I have a panic attack everyday at work. I know it's panic cause it happens only when I work alone (everyday). Right now I have a pain on the inside of my elbow and earlier I had it so bad it felt like a burning pain, what is that?? Do you know why I'm freaking out right now? Cause when I saw my doc today and I told him my fear of heart problems he pressed the inside of my elbow asking if it was sensitive. It wasn't at the time, and I did tell him about the pain, but now I'm wondering if that's a sign of heart problems. Even AFTER he did an ECG and I told him about the pain and he said it was nothing to worry about. I've never read anywhere that this is a sign, and I dare not google it, but this is anxiety :( a book I read that helped me three years ago, that I just recently bought again, is called 'Master Your Panic and Take Back Your Life' by Denise Beckfield. I encourage anyone to look at it, it was very helpful to me because it helped me find a root to my anxiety. It didn't cure it, but helped me cope.

07-10-2012, 01:23 AM
Trouble is the pains are just like nothing on earth... I mean, they're not too painful, very random in location, weird and like nothing you've ever experienced, right?

The reason for this is mainly because of excess adrenalin causing muscle tension and aches at random points.
A side effect of muscle tension is that nerves can also get aggitated - causing further weird tingles and pains.
The result? - a freaky plethora of the most weirdest and scariest shit you've ever experienced, but... perfectly harmless :-)

You need to reason with yourself that; if you were having a heart attack you'd have passed out by now.

AND, ironically, the fact that our hearts have been racing on so many ocassions actually tells us that our hearts are in pretty good condition!

Job and personal life are obviously two likely candidates for the root cause to all this, but more so personal life I'd say.
I.e. your general happiness in life governs how you deal with everything, right?
If you were REALLY happy & content with personal life then you can take on anything, including stressful jobs.

I highly recommend doing "something" about your stressful job, by the way. Either leave it or ask your authorities for help, given your current condition.