View Full Version : I don't know how to cope with his death

07-06-2012, 05:27 PM
My 6 year old nephew was in a drowning accident on Friday. He was fine now he is gone. I don't know how to cope. I know it was a horrific accident caused by his seizures. He feel and hit his head and never regained consciousness. He did become an organ donor. But I don't know how to cope. I am so anxious and depressed. I feel like I am going crazy.

cat eyes
07-06-2012, 05:30 PM
Omg! I am so sorry for his passing. Please be strong and pray. God will take you under his Wu g and guide you. Hang in there.

07-06-2012, 08:10 PM
This is a terrible tragedy anyone would feel like they were going crazy in the same situation! You certainly are strong and just know that it will pass. The hurt and pain of that type of passing will never go away but you will cope better as time goes by. Give yourself lots of compassion and time to grieve. I am so sad for you. I will pray for you. God is one way I've made it this far with my anxiety.

07-06-2012, 08:20 PM
Hi April,

So sorry for your loss, you have my sincere condolences. Coping with the loss of a loved one is hard, I lost both my parents within a years time. The worry, stress and depression can take a toll on you. Don't bottle it up, talk to someone about it. Sharing is the first step to recovery. Since you shared this with us thats a start. It's so sad he was very young, try to be there for emotional support for his parents when they're ready. This alone will make you feel better. I found that while I should have been morning for my parents I was there for emotional support for the rest of my family members and my parents friends. Helped get me through it though.

07-07-2012, 03:12 AM
I'm really sorry for you loss April. A 6 year old boy is too young to lose. I agree with atoms, busy yourself with helping his parents and find comfort there where you can. Mourn together as a family and at least you'll be sharing the stress in this horrible time. xx

07-07-2012, 04:01 AM
I am so so sorry for your tragic loss.
I have lost a number of friends and loved ones over the last six years, but none as young as that poor little boy.

The world is a cruel, awful place and you will be in shock and you will grieve for a good long time to come. You need to keep busy and share how you feel with close friends and his family.

After losing one of my closest friends (aged 29) last year, the two things that helped me most were being around for his loved ones as much as I could and thinking what would he want me to do? Would he want me to be sad and cry about how I felt because I had lost him, or would he want me to tell stories and laugh about all of the fun we had together over the years? I know what I would want!

It's not going to be easy. Almost 9 months on and I think about my mate every day - his passing has had a profound effect on my friends and myself and things will never be the same. Grief is a long and tedious process and in some cases that hole in your heart will never be filled again, but that's ok. That's what happens when you lose someone you truly love. You lose a piece of yourself.

I would recommend looking at some grief related forums for people who have lost young relatives. My friends wife found an abundance of websites for young widows and even though the circumstances surrounding these young men's passingly were all different, their stories and experience helped her.

Once again - I am truly sorry.

And don't be surprised or upset if you find yourself more anxious than usual. You have been through a horrific, shocking experience.


07-07-2012, 04:47 AM
I am so sorry to hear this. This is such a tragic thing to happen and I can't begin to imagine the pain you and your family are experiencing. There are some great posts above and hopefully they may help during this terrible time. I have never been through an experience like yours but I am sure that being with family and grieving together and supporting each other would be beneficial and also seeing a grief counsellor if you or your family are finding it impossible to cope with.
The world is full of awful events and tragedies and life is so precious and short, it's so unfair sometimes. My thoughts are with you xxxx

07-10-2012, 07:32 PM
Thank you all for your support and prayers. God bless each of you.