View Full Version : Please help! Schizophrenia or OCD?

07-01-2012, 03:31 PM
*Paranoid that someone is out to get me on a daily basis. Paranoid about being poisoned, or someone is plotting to hurt or kill me in some way
*Obsessive BAD thoughts that come out of nowhere. I don't want these thoughts there but they replay over and over in my head. I don't think its a voice, it seems more like bad thoughts that cause me to be paranoid and live in fear.
*Constantly checking things (making sure doors are always locked, checking under my bed, occasionally I will think I left a light or fan on, etc).
*Anxiety on a pretty regular basis about being in crowds or being in a closed in spaces, etc. Anxiety is so bad that sometimes I get nauseated, sick to my stomach, over heated, clammy hands, etc.
*Fear of dying
*Occasional delusions and thinking that is NOT rational

07-01-2012, 03:34 PM
*Paranoid that someone is out to get me on a daily basis such as being poisoned, or someone is plotting to hurt or kill me in some way
*Obsessive BAD thoughts that come out of nowhere. I don't want these thoughts there but they replay over and over in my head. I don't think its a voice, it seems more like bad thoughts that cause me to be paranoid and live in fear.
*Constantly checking things (making sure doors are always locked, checking under my bed, occasionally I will think I left a light or fan on, etc).
*Anxiety on a pretty regular basis about being in crowds or being in a closed in spaces, etc. Anxiety is so bad that sometimes I get nauseated, sick to my stomach, over heated, clammy hands, etc.
*Fear of dying
*Occasional delusions and thinking that is NOT rational

Hi I know exactly how you feel - I get all that. I carry my kettle around incase someone tampers with it- not sure what to do anymore but it's comforting to know that it's not just me

07-01-2012, 05:57 PM
What do you think the diagnosis would be?

07-02-2012, 11:03 AM
Anxiety w/ocd. I'm no expert on schizophrenia,but I believe people that have that aren't aware they have a mental disorder. If you are even questioning you might have it,I think that is a sign you don't. Have you seen your doctor about this?

07-02-2012, 11:49 AM
Well I've been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, yet I hear no voices. I'm just really paranoid, I have bad obsessive thoughts in my head that I can't get to go away.

07-02-2012, 12:37 PM
That could easily be a misdiagnosis.

Like stated above, a HUGE indicator is whether or not you think it is real. Anxiety can cause a ton of disturbing and weird thoughts. But deep down you know it's not real, that they are irrational, etc. But your highly sensitive nervous system is just taking those thoughts a bit more seriously.

A schizophrenic wouldn't be posting what you did here. You know your thoughts are irrational, paranoid, and not real. My aunt is schizophrenic and will tell completely false stories, but deep down she firmly believes them.

07-02-2012, 06:05 PM
Thanks. :) I'll be seeing my Doctor soon...should I bring this up?

07-03-2012, 08:58 AM
I also think you were misdiagnosed and don't know how they even came up with that. Yes,bring it up. Don't leave your appointment with unanswered questions.

07-03-2012, 09:09 AM
Maybe when you say you have issues with paranoia they jump right to schizophrenia?

07-03-2012, 10:04 AM
There's a good chance it's a misdiagnosis.

Paranoia is a DEFINITE anxiety symptom. When you are an anxious person, your nervous system is constantly on edge and acts like a threat is always present. You can be in a totally safe situation, but your mind will be looking for a threat because if you have anxiety or anxious symptoms, it assumes there is danger. This can cause paranoia because you start to imagine or perceive threats where there are none.

Definitely share it with them. My policy is to share everything with your doctor/therapist/psychiatrist. I'll share the tiniest things. You want full disclosure to get the best possible treatment.