View Full Version : Anxiety at Restaurants...V-day...$#!T

02-07-2007, 12:41 PM
Valentines DAy is coming up and my husband insists we go to dinner and maybe grad a drink or 2 at a bar afterwards. Well, Im STRESSING already.

For 1, I have always had issues eating in front of people. In elementary I would not eat but a couple bites at lunch because I hated the way I looked with a mouth full of food and had a fear of choking/vomiting.
I just cannot seem to relax.

2, I have to look hot on V-day, money is really tight right now so I cant get my hair done or clothes, anything to look nice and feel pretty and special :(

3, I have had this problem some time now with going to restaurants. I get VERY anxious getting ready to go. I refuse to go on the weekends or evenings when places are busier. I have only 2 restaurants I am comfortable with but MUST sit in the back off to the side where no one is really paying any attnetion. When I get there I am so nervous and sick to my stomach. I have to order a drink to calm down (sometimes it does the opposite and makes me feel worse) before I even eat.

Im NOT ok going ANY WHERE V-day, every where will be packed! I feel anxious just typing about it (hehe). What should I do?? Should I go? And wait for an hour for a table feeling like total CRAP? V-day is not just MY DAY so I feel kinda selfish not going anywhere but it freaks me out.

Anyone else have anxiety going out when its busy or to restaurants?? Please advise.

V for Victor
02-07-2007, 01:07 PM
Sometimes I get very nervous getting ready to go out. Once I get into the situation I'm fine.

On the one hand, it might be therapeutic for you to face your fear and go ahead and go out with your husband.

If money's tight, you needn't worry about going to any great lengths to doll yourself up. You should feel pretty and special without having any artificial enhancers, right? :)

Remember, you're just going to a restaurant, you're not getting up on a stage. You're just going to be one of many people there to enjoy the evening. You'll blend right into the crowd, nobody is going to be putting a spotlight on you.

02-08-2007, 02:10 AM
V is for Victor is right if you can face it and try to enjoy yourself you may find it theraputic.

However if you dont feel ready, tell your husband I'm sure he is just trying to make you happy on valentines and wont be too bothered about going out to dinner. Or even leaving the bedroom ;) .

Some say feel the fear and do it anyway.

Perhaps this is the answer.

As for people watching if we just realised how little people pay attention to us we would never worry about what they thought of us. As V is for Victor said people will be too wrapped up in themselves and their partners.
