View Full Version : anxiety while driving

06-29-2012, 09:16 AM
I love driving. I love going for rides, and have no problem driving by myself out of town

2 mondays ago I was going for a drive and had a car ride my bumper for about 6-7 miles. I was starting to get nervous and felt panicky. I forgot all about it and then drove the next days fine with no problem. Two nights ago when I got in my car I started to think about getting nervous and then I did. I ended up getting really worried when I was driving. I told myself, that I got worried because I made myself worried. Last night driving home from work, I was fine. I had no problems. I had a clear mind and everything.

What are some tip to use to block out the worry feelings when you are drivinfg?

06-29-2012, 09:25 AM
When I drive i try to not worry about getting worried. If I get worried I tell myself there's no threat and nothing is going to happen. "Driving is easy" "Driving is relaxing" are things I tell myself in a soothing voice. I try to distract myself by looking at the scenery or listening to the radio.

On trick is to aknoweldge thinking patterns leading up to you feeling nervous. I catch myself "preparing" for who knows what, then I just relax and go on.

07-01-2012, 10:20 AM
Today I managed to drive all the way to my parents house and back (80km round trip) for only the second time in 6 months.

Admittedly, I did take an extra Valium - my partner was supposed to come with me, so when I found out he couldn't at short notice, I freaked a bit - I hate letting people down. Especially when I have no control over the situation.

Anyway. I made it. I drove on wet roads at dusk-true dark (a very nasty road situation in australia - the paint they use on roads isn't reflective like the UK and lots of road have minimal street lighting).

I even got lost - which surprisingly eased the anxiety because I was concentrating on where the hell I was.

I am SO proud.

I have only managed this once since January and the last time I tried I got 3/4 of the way there before I had to turn around with a MASSIVE panic attack.

07-01-2012, 10:29 AM
Today I managed to drive all the way to my parents house and back (80km round trip) for only the second time in 6 months.

Admittedly, I did take an extra Valium - my partner was supposed to come with me, so when I found out he couldn't at short notice, I freaked a bit - I hate letting people down. Especially when I have no control over the situation.

Anyway. I made it. I drove on wet roads at dusk-true dark (a very nasty road situation in australia - the paint they use on roads isn't reflective like the UK and lots of road have minimal street lighting).

I even got lost - which surprisingly eased the anxiety because I was concentrating on where the hell I was.

I am SO proud.

I have only managed this once since January and the last time I tried I got 3/4 of the way there before I had to turn around with a MASSIVE panic attack.

Oh! That's fantastic! You should be so proud of yourself. Take the time to celebrate this accomplishment. I know it sounds cheesy, but do IT! We don't tell ourselves "good job" nearly enough.

07-02-2012, 11:25 AM
I have had trouble with this too. The only advice I have,is to pull over and walk around for a little bit if it gets hard to handle. And listen to the radio. Sometimes when I get really anxious I sing lol. You have to learn to know the signs of anxiety before it affects you and nip it in the bud. Knowledge and realization is huge.