View Full Version : Am i having delusions?

06-27-2012, 07:03 AM
Today as I was at work at my hungry jacks job, I was standing at the front counter and could not help but stare at this family of Indians and wonder.
I thought how pointless all of you are, and here you all are talking like everything is so serious, I couldn't help thinking "one of you is going to die first and the rest of you will have to suffer grief, and eventually you will all die,"
I couldn't get out of this mood all day I felt so depressed I honestly did not even have the energy to be nice to people because I thought are these people even really here or are we just a figment of an imagination, (then I wonder is imagination just a figment of nothingness)

Anyway I can't seem to be positive anymore, because it just seems so darn fake to be positive and try to believe I have a purpose because am I just one of the billions of species who doesn't really exist anyway?

06-28-2012, 12:41 AM

I've been there and still do sometimes - but it's not something that TOTALLY consumes me. I think it, rationalise with it, accept my own answers but then just get on with it.

You're depressed. Simple as.

When depressed everything seems pointless.

Everything is pointless on the grand scale of things, but that's not for you to worry about.

Accept that life is how it is, put that thought on the shelf and just get on with what needs doing.

If you think about it logically, you're on this earth for quite some time... so, why spend it in the dark? why make yourself suffer so?

Yeah, I knowwwwwwww.... easier said than done, eh? <sigh>

Still, think about other, even more seemingly pointless creatures of this earth.
How about thunder-bugs! LOL, they only live for a few days... and most of that is spent trapped on someone's window-sill.

Or, errrmmm, a SEA CUCUMBER! LOL
Hideous, slimy things that literally look like a cucumber that just move (really slowly) around on ocean sea beds.
I mean, what the HELL is that all about?

Ahhh god, you gotta laugh :-)

06-28-2012, 03:39 AM
Omg that is fucking hilarious cucumber I can't get that thought out of my head, life is such a joke!! Thanks haha

06-28-2012, 03:42 AM
Dazza what part of the world r u in?

06-28-2012, 01:44 PM
England, UK!
