View Full Version : Heart fear!!

06-24-2012, 12:59 PM
Hey all!

I'm 23 years old and I'm a bit underweight. I am really worried about my heart all the time. I fear I will have a heart attack. I'm forever having chest pains,sore jaw,arms,back. I always feel like I can't do to much incase it brings on a heart attack. I'm always tired. I've had 2 ecgs,chest X-rays,blood work all ok but yet I still can't believe my heart is ok. Anyone else feel like this?

cat eyes
06-24-2012, 01:09 PM
Yes I do. I swear I have a heart problem. I had a stress test, ekg's, holter monitor and a echo sonogram and I still have heart papiltations.

06-24-2012, 07:18 PM
Omg I have the same problem. The chest pain. My left arm feels funny. My back hurts. I have a funny feeling in my jaw too. My shoulders hurt. I get nausea. :(

06-24-2012, 10:04 PM
okay so by heart palps you mean irregular heart beat... because for some reason when i breath in... every time mostly when i breath my heart starts beating faster and then it will kinda stop or (skip a beat) and then slow down and then kinda catch up if that makes any sence but ive been freakin out about it because its like everytime most of the time.... all day but ive tried to not pay attention to it.... because ive had 4 ekgs and im having a stress and ecko tomarow so wish me luck on that but the cardio said 95% chance its nothing to worry about and he thinks im healthy....

06-24-2012, 10:30 PM
I'm a 17 year old female going through the same thing! It's awful. Haven't had many heart tests yet because I'm not old enough for most of them, but I have every heart attack symptom almost everyday and VERY often feel like I can't breathe properly. I started taking medication since my anxiety about it is so severe, but I still can't help but think there's more wrong with me. I wish someone could figure it out... But I've already been to the doctor 12 times this month and he's convinced it's just anxiety. Sigh.

06-25-2012, 01:07 AM
Folks - assuming you ARE all healthy then welcome to the world of health (in particular - heart) anxiety!

It sounds like you're all suffering some of the most common symptoms of anxiety, which include chest / arm / jaw / shoulder pains coupled with an
apparent difficulty in breathing and palpitations / increased heart rates.

I'm sure you've already heard of the "flight or fight" response. I.e. our natural response to a dangerous or frightening situation?
Well, imagine you're just about to have a serious car crash. Imagine the fear that would overwhelm you in the seconds leading up to it.
Imagine the adrenalin rush, the tension, the fear...

That is the innapropriate condition that is happening to you because of overwhelming anxiety. Your mind is assuming the worst (because it is currently unable to rationalise) and your body is reacting accordingly.

Chest pains occur because of the fresh, adrenalin fuelled blood that is rushed to your chest wall (tightening / hardening the muscles - which help protect the organs (incl. heart) behind it).
The heart beats faster in order to deliver the adrenalin quicker.
The neck muscles also get it... which is why it seems like you're having trouble breathing.

Scary, but all normal reactions for an alarm state. However, they don't feel normal because of course there is no REAL alarm state.
And so there you have it... it's called INNAPROPRIATE anxiety.

Not nice... I know!

The heart is easily irritated, actually. If you were to poke a heart with your finger, it would wobble about like jelly!
(It is sensitive because it is designed to beat with VERY TINY electrical signals)

Because of this high sensitivity, it is without wonder that palpitations occur during times of stress and/or anxiety.

But... worry not, the heart knows what to do. It does correct itself, even during times of severe irritation.
It is fully automatic and will keep going regardless of what you throw at it.
(For your info; if the main beat signal stops... did you know that a backup then kicks in? AND... if that backup also fails... there's actually a third backup!!)

You're NOT having a heart attack. If you were, you'd be on the floor and unconscious by now!

06-25-2012, 02:01 AM
Im just worried because it beats faster only when I breathe in.... Then it skills a beat and beats normal then I breathe in it beats faster skips a beat... All day.... Ext..

cat eyes
06-25-2012, 04:04 AM
Folks - assuming you ARE all healthy then welcome to the world of health (in particular - heart) anxiety!

It sounds like you're all suffering some of the most common symptoms of anxiety, which include chest / arm / jaw / shoulder pains coupled with an
apparent difficulty in breathing and palpitations / increased heart rates.

I'm sure you've already heard of the "flight or fight" response. I.e. our natural response to a dangerous or frightening situation?
Well, imagine you're just about to have a serious car crash. Imagine the fear that would overwhelm you in the seconds leading up to it.
Imagine the adrenalin rush, the tension, the fear...

That is the innapropriate condition that is happening to you because of overwhelming anxiety. Your mind is assuming the worst (because it is currently unable to rationalise) and your body is reacting accordingly.

Chest pains occur because of the fresh, adrenalin fuelled blood that is rushed to your chest wall (tightening / hardening the muscles - which help protect the organs (incl. heart) behind it).
The heart beats faster in order to deliver the adrenalin quicker.
The neck muscles also get it... which is why it seems like you're having trouble breathing.

Scary, but all normal reactions for an alarm state. However, they don't feel normal because of course there is no REAL alarm state.
And so there you have it... it's called INNAPROPRIATE anxiety.

Not nice... I know!

The heart is easily irritated, actually. If you were to poke a heart with your finger, it would wobble about like jelly!
(It is sensitive because it is designed to beat with VERY TINY electrical signals)

Because of this high sensitivity, it is without wonder that palpitations occur during times of stress and/or anxiety.

But... worry not, the heart knows what to do. It does correct itself, even during times of severe irritation.
It is fully automatic and will keep going regardless of what you throw at it.
(For your info; if the main beat signal stops... did you know that a backup then kicks in? AND... if that backup also fails... there's actually a third backup!!)

You're NOT having a heart attack. If you were, you'd be on the floor and unconscious by now!

Thank you so much for this info. It really helped a lot.

06-25-2012, 07:19 AM
Im just worried because it beats faster only when I breathe in.... Then it skills a beat and beats normal then I breathe in it beats faster skips a beat... All day.... Ext..

Hey, I just wanted to mention I used to have the same fear. Most people would never notice this, but because we pay such close attention to our hearts we pick up on this.

I just want to let you know, this is normal, the heart does beat faster when you breathe in and slower when you breathe out. It does this in order to process the oxygen you just inhaled. In fact if it did not do this, then you would worry.

I know im telling you to break the golden rule, but Google this you will see its normal, it made me feel alot better to read about it, maybe it will help you too.

06-25-2012, 11:56 AM
Thank you for all the replies it helps to know I'm not alone. I hate feeling this way and I know I have to beat it...but how? That's what I don't know :-(

06-25-2012, 03:29 PM
Many thanks for a detailed reply. I have suffered from anxiety for years but had my first chest pain last year, it was a sharpish concentrated pain on one area of the chest. I also occasionally had the jaw pain and sometimes arm. I rode them out and Im fine, its all anxiety which I know now. Still scary when you dont know whats on.

In particular the neck/ breathing thing was good info, i had this for years before the chest kicked in and the first couple I was convinced I was dying! 10 years on and I haven't died yet!

We will beat this, its all in the head :)