View Full Version : Withdrawal from Abilify

06-23-2012, 10:43 PM
I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and ADHD. I have suffered from them since I was about 12. I'm 25 now, and recently felt some relief from a combination of 100mg of Zoloft and 5mg of Abilify. However, I gained 65 pounds in about 8 months. Also, I felt disinterested in things I used to do. I describe it as being "comfortably numb". So I have stopped the Abilify cold turkey. I googled this, and apparently this is not a good idea. I have now been suffering from severe anxiety, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, sadness, depression, and disordered thinking. It's debilitating. I have stayed in my house and my room which are the only places where I feel slightly less anxious. At it's worst, I feel like I am being held underwater. It comes in waves. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this? I'm not sure what to do. Do I ride it out? I am talking to my new pdoc about this on Monday. I want to feel like myself again. The weight gain of course has contributed to my depression, which is the main reason I've come off of it.

06-24-2012, 05:02 PM
Always taper off psych meds(usually anyway). The doc will likely restart the med and conduct a scheduled slow taper off or just drop the dose lower first. I'm not surprised you've gotten some anxiety from stopping the med. It will likely fade over time but listen to your doc on this. Alankay