View Full Version : Help at last

06-22-2012, 06:30 PM
K so after a week my dr finally called n Wellbutrin and Xanax. Thank god. Anyhow having anxiety right now took half of the Xanax cause I don't know how it will effect me but as of now it's not helping. Gna give it more time and if not I'll take the other half. Anyone here ever taken Wellbutrin for anxiety? If so can U give me ur experiences as n did it help how long did it take ect

06-22-2012, 07:06 PM
I'm not sure how Xanax works in terms of dosage, but if it is your first time, you have probably been prescribed a small dose. I find during a severe attack, when I have to take a valium, if I use a paper bag to regulate my breathing it stops the attack faster. It doesn't work for everyone, but it usually takes me about 20 minutes for the medication to kick in.

Good luck.

06-22-2012, 07:36 PM
.5mg of xanax should have you feeling nice and calm within 20-40 minutes. What dose are your pills?

06-22-2012, 10:14 PM
They r .5 mg. I took a half that didn't work so I took the other half. All it did was make me a little sleepy. I can still feel my heart like its beating outta my chest and the pain in my arm. My pharmacist said I could take one of my loritabs for the pain even tho I took a Xanax. I'm jus so tired of this. I don't wanna have to take pills to live a normal life. Ugh

06-23-2012, 08:14 AM

If you have to take pills for the time being then so beit. Don't worry about it... you're not going to turn reliant on them over night & they certainly won't do you any damage in the short to medium term.

However, meds should ONLY be taken when absolutely necessary. Only take them when your condition becomes overwhelming.

I've never tried either of the meds you mention above, so I can't comment.
I was prescribed Diazepam and this works like a dream for me. They completely relax me and promote a fantastic nights sleep.

How often do you get the racist heart and arm pain by the way? is it always the same pain or does it vary?

06-23-2012, 08:14 AM
RACING heart, not racist... lol

06-23-2012, 12:07 PM
The diazepam I the same as lorazepam or Ativan. They r tranquilizers. N I get the racing heart all the time. My Xanax didn't work so I took an Ativan and finally helped me. I also took some maalox which worked wonders. It's what they give u n a gi cocktail at er. Only difference the lidocaine wasn't n it but man it helped. The arm pain is new that's y I went to er. They gave me an anti anxiety med n it went Away. Wellbutrin is what they want me on now but my cousin took it an a few weeks later killed himself. Wanna take something different.

06-25-2012, 08:02 AM
Have you started seeing a psychologist? Medications help in the short term, however if you really want to kick anxiety in the butt you need to get to the underlying cause/misunderstandings.