View Full Version : Pain in side anxiety?

06-20-2012, 09:27 PM
K so have any of u had a horrible pain shoot up ur side as a result of anxiety? I feel like I can't swallow either I'm freaking out should I go to er or could it jus b my anxiety it's never done this

06-20-2012, 09:31 PM
I get this often.

06-20-2012, 09:43 PM
Now my arms is freaking killing me

06-20-2012, 09:43 PM
I hate this so much. My drs won't even help they tell me Xanax and Ativan r to addictive. Y won't someone help me

06-21-2012, 02:19 AM
Go to another Doctor and get the full barrage of blood tests, explain that you suspect you are suffering from anxiety and that you want to rule out any thyroid or heart problems.

Ask for medication. At the very least, given the intensity of your symptoms, they should offer to prescribe an antidepressant.

If you are truly suffering and concerned for your health, go to the ER and explain your symptoms. If there is nothing wrong after they run the tests (definitely anxiety), ask them to write a letter to your Doctor to prescribe you some benzos.

06-21-2012, 11:55 AM
Ok so I went to er lastnight cuz my arm got to where it hurt so freaking bad I couldn't move it. They gave me Ativan and Paxil. I can't nor do I want to take Paxil. It caused and irritation in my chest that was horrible n I was told Paxil is very addictive. I don't want to walk around like a zombie. I was on 20 mg celexa then 40 mg which made anxiety way worse. They have tried pro zac which made me very mean Zoloft which made me more anxious Paxil which made me a zombie n I felt like I quit breathing on top of irritating my chest. I called my dr Monday n they still have not called back. I have a lot of stress which has triggered it. I was told other scripts they can try r too expensive cuz I don't have insurance. So now it's like I'm to poor to get help. I'm not poor by far but wtf I mean I jus have to deal with all this alone cuz Rey think I can't afford the meds? Soooooo wrong

06-21-2012, 12:52 PM
Did the ativan help? If the ssri's had that bad of an effect leave them out for now but did the ativan help? If so anxiety is the likely culprit. Alankay.