View Full Version : Paniced by the big city.

06-20-2012, 01:27 PM
Hello all, my name is Jennifer I am 34, married to a wonderful man and have 2 amazing health happy kids. Why do I worry so much? I have been working with my doctor since 2008 for anxiety and mild depression believed to be stress from family obligations. Although my marriage has never been an issue.

The last 6 or so months have been really bad. I can't seem to function well. The last couple of weeks I have been in a panic since the big city (we live outside but I work there) has has many shootings in broad daylight and in very public places. I rarely go close to the areas they are in but I just can't stop thinking in my mind that it's just a matter of time that it will spread into my hometown. Logically I know I shouldn't worry about that right now but my mind has a mind of its own right now.

I'm sorry this has been a long introduction. I know that when I get my fears out they don't own me anymore.

Thank you.

06-20-2012, 01:41 PM
You are normal, everyone gets shaken up when there are gun killings in their area. You just have to be cautious and learn to protect yourself. you will get over it