View Full Version : New here

06-20-2012, 06:07 AM
Hi I am a 35 year old mother of three all teenage kids and I'm married. I recently went to my dr because I couldn't sleep and was having a hard time trying sit down and study for my MA exam well she said I was depressed and prescribed ambien for sleep and vibryd for depression while on the vibryd I started having panic attacks she tried to lower the dosage which didn't work so finally I stopped taking the vibryd because I was scared. Well a week later I started having alot of withdrawals like nervousness crying headaches nausea stomach cramps i would have this really weird feeling in the bottom of my stomach like the feeling you get when you are on a roller coaster all the time which was awful and I also had something they call depersonalization where u don't feel like yourself I went to the dr countless times and even had a trip to the ER my doctor kept telling me the meds were out of my system and that I have underlying depression that needed to be taken care of with meds which I can't understand because I was fine before the antidepressant except for no sleep i also stopped taking the ambien because i wasnt sure where the withdrawals were coming from I am scared to take anymore meds I barely wanna take ibuprofen for a headache I am a lot better now except I have anxiety that won't go away and I don't know what to do my dr prescribed atavan but I'm scared to take it because of all the horror stories I've heard I am currently taking a mood solution from the vitamin shop which helps a little can anyone give me any advice...

06-20-2012, 09:37 AM
I would not be afraid of the ativan and try a low dose. 1/2 a tablet and it might help with sleep as well as anxiety as it has a medium long half life.
Now the AD causing more anxiety is common when starting it but it often then starts to work to lower anxiety but not all can tolerate that. She's right that the med just worsened a symptom but she could have choosen a more predictable med as vibryd is kind of new. Or started a a very low dose and slowly went up. If you do need an AD I bet a slow start on zoloft would help and slowly taper up to say 50mg and hold there.
In the mean time try valerian root, Chammomile teas, passion flower, skull cap and hops extract from the herbal world. ALankay

06-20-2012, 01:39 PM
I think exercise before bedtime would also help since it tires you out and takes your mind off the little things that don't matter