View Full Version : Hello im new :)

06-18-2012, 10:12 PM
HEy just wanted to introduce my self see if there's any one I can relate to I've always had anxiety but played it off as a product of environment (y mom has agoraphobia) but after have ing my son and being home all day I'm realizing it's something much more severe I can't stop thinking negative thoughts about my ability to do house work of all things and I'm really insecure in my relationship. I also feel trapped because I moved to a different province and I'm not able to will myself to put my self out there and make friends :(

06-18-2012, 10:59 PM
Hi and welcome. U r def not alone! Completely understandable and relatable. I too am a stay at home mom. I think being in all the time causes the agoraphobia. I think you will b able to relate to a lot if us.

06-19-2012, 02:03 AM
Hi to both of you , I can also relate to how you are feeling , I am also a stay at home mum & suffer with bad anxiety & depression .

It's very difficult & I sympathise with you & know exactally how you feel .

Always pop on here each day about once or twice , so feel free to message me

:-) jessy

06-19-2012, 02:07 PM
I think that it must really be common for stay at home moms to feel this way. Maybe it has to do with feeling alone and secluded. I too am a stay at home mom and I know my anxiety is much better if I am out and about interacting with others. Welcome to the forum!!

06-19-2012, 02:27 PM
Yeah I'm just now trying to get my liscnce ( anxiety about failing the test) so that should help but as it stands I'm stuck at home all day