View Full Version : Hi, I have no social skills

06-18-2012, 01:22 AM
I'm 20 and have had really bad social anxiety my whole life. I've never really had any friends and don't even hardly ever talk to my family. I work as a cook but don't really talk to anyone at work unless I have to. I've been trying to step out of my shell but I never developed the social skills everyone else did. Everyone thinks I'm boring. They tell me I'm dull and have no sense of humor and it makes me feel pretty bad about myself. I'm smart and I know a lot of things but they're all things that no one else cares about. Some people have told me they think I'm autistic. I don't think that's true but maybe it is.
I don't like a lot of things other people are into but I like camping and hiking a lot. I go hunting with my little brother a lot. Other than that I like to play the guitar and read books, mostly non-fiction. I also play a lot of video games but mostly older ones.

06-18-2012, 05:33 AM
The Internet is a good place to develop your social skills so you can practice for the real world. It seems like you're we'll spoken with a number of things going for you; hobbies and interests and a job and a close family.

Perhaps join some forums to discuss aspects of your favourite interests and the. Get out into your local community and join some clubs. Maybe get into Scouts or volunteer your time doing something like that?

There is nothing wrong with being quiet - as long as you're polite and friendly. Just try to open up to people a little bit each day. You are never too old to learn new skills. Even social skills.

06-18-2012, 05:52 AM
Orange, don't beat yourself up. Of course you have social skills. Now, what is the main reason you avoid interaction? Do you get tics/tremor/racing heart? Are you just so self conscious it gets in the way? Do you feel your inferior? Do you just get anxious? With more detail I may have suggestions. Alankay

06-18-2012, 07:41 AM
You will be just fine. People used to tell me that I was dull all the time, but I wad shy and nervous was all. You have to learn how to be like the people around you. If they call you dull, then call them dumb.

It is just the way it is in America. Even God is into mockery. So don't feel bad about joking on someone who jives you.

If you take your guitar to work and put on, I bet they will all change towards you. Don't forget to show real interest in their hobbies as well.

06-18-2012, 12:43 PM
There really is nothing wrong with the way you are- some folk just prefer to be alone and some thrive in company. Everyone is different and that what makes us all special and unique. You have plenty of hobbies that you enjoy and if you prefer solo activities then that's fine. Try not to worry about what others say, you don't need to explain yourself to anyone. If you are in a situation where you have to interact with others or if you are wanting to broaden your social skills then as bullyMeNever said then show interest in them as well and if you talk to them about things that interest you then change the subject if you see they are getting bored. Being sociable is all about give and take within conversations and to be honest with you, it sounds like some of the folk you are talking about are not very sociable especially if they don't bother to show interest in what you are talking about and if they are rude to you.

If you are happy with your life the way it is then so be it, be happy and sod everyone else. If it makes you miserable not socialising then give it a go and work on conversation skills, active listening, eye contact etc. But never ever beat yourself up about being you xxx

06-18-2012, 12:44 PM
Oh...so America is the issue when anxiety is found in all cultures around the World. We have a genius here folks so read carefully. Alankay