View Full Version : getting the flu....

01-31-2007, 05:28 PM
how do you guys handle it??? I get so freaked out about my health as it is...that when I get legitimately sick, its twice as bad....awful...but from some stuff ive read when youre in a stae of contant stress like us....your immune system gets beat down and i suppose tha means we get sick pretty often...


02-01-2007, 09:15 AM
Ahhh nightmare I'm terrified of getting sick. Especially vomiting (emetophobia) I only have to hear about someone being ill who I have met recently and I can feel sick for days worrying about being sick. The problem is I struggle to rationalise this away as it seems perfectly rational that I could get a stomach bug or the flu from somone I meet. Mostly I just try not to think about it.


02-01-2007, 12:22 PM
I hear you... I really here you. I always have peope egtting sick around me and just panic and check websites for symptoms and get myself stressed that I actually feel sick... run myself down, get sick, and yes same as you double the panic when I am sick.

I was sick over xmas.. same as 50% of the population and was really sick and the whole time I thought I had menningitis or dying or HIV...

I hate it. I am wondering, people say you can get passed this.. how??? I went to cognitive therapy, and yes you have to focus on beating it and do things to charge your fears in the face.. but just makes me focus on it more.

I just hate that you have to live with this crazyness....


02-05-2007, 05:01 AM
from everything I've read about anxiety, particularly health anxiety which is what i suffer from, the key to 'beating it' is not to fight it.

fighting puts you in a heightened state and creates more symptoms to worry about. Just let them happen, don't worry about them, just accept that they're from anxiety and carry on. Eventually you're body will stop reacting because your no longer afraid.

I suppose when you get flu etc you should just let it runs it's course. See the doc if needs be but believe him when he tells you it's flu, not something else.

The weak link in all that for me is accepting that it's 'just' anxiety or 'just' flu. If I could do that I wouldn't have any anxiety in the first place.

I suppose it comes with practice and patience.

02-05-2007, 01:08 PM
lol I have flu at the moment which really sucks :P I always fear how Im going to react when I am ill but once I'm ill I'm fine. I guess lying there doing nothing is actually good for you ;) Unlucky for me though I have to go school still :( Since I'm in Year 11 and it being important and all :P

You do have to just let it run its course, try to take your mind of it with other things and at least you know theres a reason for feeling like crap and you will get better soon :D Well thats what I tell myself :P hehehe.