View Full Version : What types of treatment have worked for you to help overcome your anxiety?

06-17-2012, 10:07 AM
Well I got diagnosed with depression in 2007, but I noticed that my sickness (inflicted by family and friends if you can believe that)
actually got worse. I did some research and I discovered that most of those so-called medz that they prescribe for anxiety, depression, don't work at all.

In fact, some of those big name medz make your condition worse. I started getting nervous shakes, which I never suffered from before. I asked around and did some reading, come to find out, that Parkinson's, is a side effect of the medz that they prescribed to me.

Now what the hell is their problem? Why would they risk giving me Parkinson's? It is all a big game, and I suggest that everyone stop taking those worthless medz, and seek natural remedies.

I have learned that exercise is number one in overcoming anxiety and depression. Solid social connections are also necessary. I know that in America it is considered cool to be mean and hurtful, but sometimes you need to find someone who would never do that to you, so you can keep some level of sanity.

So I joined this forum to offer my ear and advice to anyone that needs it. Hopefully we can all help each other by sharing our experiences.

06-18-2012, 07:50 AM
Keep in mind, medications are for relieving the symptoms. Anxiety cannot be cured from a bottle because the underlying cause of it are faulty thinking patterns, which need to be corrected by a psychologist. :)

06-18-2012, 08:20 AM
Keep in mind, medications are for relieving the symptoms. Anxiety cannot be cured from a bottle because the underlying cause of it are faulty thinking patterns, which need to be corrected by a psychologist. :)

What if the medz don't relieve the anxiety, but make it worse? One of the medz even fried my nerve endings and almost did irreversible damage.

06-18-2012, 09:13 AM
What if the medz don't relieve the anxiety, but make it worse? One of the medz even fried my nerve endings and almost did irreversible damage.

Like any medication, if it's not working as it should, give you doctor a buzz.

Again, medications won't relieve anxiety, they simply help relieve the symptoms. To relieve anxiety you need to work with a therapist, psychologist and correct faulty thinking patterns that are causing anxiety.

06-18-2012, 09:48 AM
Overall, i've found the best treatment to be gradual exposure, education, meditation, practicing relaxing, being mindful of your thoughts, positive thinking, reading and seeing a psychologist.