View Full Version : It starts when I wake up and ends when I sleep

06-16-2012, 12:31 PM
Ugh ok so I have had panic attacks for about 4 years it seems over the last month it has mutated of sorts. I used to get bad panic attacks racing heart, weird feelings in my legs, twitching etc. now it has turned into a bad problem of not being able to breathe and weird feelings in my head. It starts when I wake up and ends when I'm asleep, I woke up 40 minutes ago and I'm already counting the hours until bed time I feel hopeless..

cat eyes
06-16-2012, 12:46 PM
I know the feeling and it sucks. I have been suffering since February and I get a scared feeling and heart flutters and a feeling like I M going to die. I take meds and see a therapist.