View Full Version : On xanax for 12 years

06-08-2012, 10:16 AM
So I have been reading a lot of posts and I feel like a veteran here. although I am only 28 I have been having agoraphobia and panic/anxiety disorder since 14 or maybe younger. I was put on xanax at 16. I was on a nd off of .25mg for 10 years until two years ago I started .50mg. I am wondering the long term effects of this... I have horrible phobias and understand that I def make myself freak out and it is my own mind control but I dont know who to turn it off. I dont know what I would do without my xanax but I have been wondering if I suffer from rebound anxiety form it. Every morning I can not get out of bed without taking at least a half of xanax but if I take enough before I go to bed then I wake up without that panicky feeling. I have so many issues and sensations that I could probably write a book but I guess what I am wondering is if anyone has been on a benzo as long as me and if so the effects it has had on you or if you were able to get off of them after this long. I fear I many be on them the rest of my life. I am in therapy and trying meditation but in doing this i fell into a really horrible depression. I am unable to face this issue without it getting horribly worse. I cant take anti depressants because they make me worse... any advice or stories similar?

06-08-2012, 10:44 AM
I don't take xanax but am on citalopram and have been for 12 years. I have had a couple of months off it but that did not work out so have been on varying doses throughout the years even when I am anxiety free. During these periods I tend to be on a lower dose that my doc calls a maintenance dose. I used to worry about long term effects but my docs reassured me it was ok and if I need to be on medication for the rest of my life then so be it. No point in adding to anxiety by worrying about your medication. If the benzos are working and you have no adverse reactions then I don't think you need to be overly concerned. I know that coming of benzos can be very difficult but as I said, if they work then there is no need.
have you spoken to your doctor about it? He/she will be ale to go over any worries you have. I'd always recommend speaking to a doctor directly rather than using the net to look for answers as the net gives so many different and opposing answers it's hard to know what to believe. Also have you told your therapist that you feel it's not working? They may then try different methods or you could try seeing someone else.
B x

Edited to ask what AD's have you tried and for how long? It took a good 6-8 weeks for mine to take effect and the side effects were awful for the first few weeks but it really was worth it in the end.

06-08-2012, 12:22 PM
I don't take xanax but am on citalopram and have been for 12 years. I have had a couple of months off it but that did not work out so have been on varying doses throughout the years even when I am anxiety free. During these periods I tend to be on a lower dose that my doc calls a maintenance dose. I used to worry about long term effects but my docs reassured me it was ok and if I need to be on medication for the rest of my life then so be it. No point in adding to anxiety by worrying about your medication. If the benzos are working and you have no adverse reactions then I don't think you need to be overly concerned. I know that coming of benzos can be very difficult but as I said, if they work then there is no need.
have you spoken to your doctor about it? He/she will be ale to go over any worries you have. I'd always recommend speaking to a doctor directly rather than using the net to look for answers as the net gives so many different and opposing answers it's hard to know what to believe. Also have you told your therapist that you feel it's not working? They may then try different methods or you could try seeing someone else.
B x

Edited to ask what AD's have you tried and for how long? It took a good 6-8 weeks for mine to take effect and the side effects were awful for the first few weeks but it really was worth it in the end.

Hi and thank you. I am glad to hear I am not alone. I know the meds help but I worry that the rebound anxiety is most of my anxiety from not taking the meds enough or on a consistent basis. My concerns are that my brain is mush! I cant remember anything and when the medication is working right I am zoned out with no motivation or energy. I hear colotipan is way better! I see a phyc dr on the 27th so hopefully they might try and switch me. My other concern is that for all these years I have never went up in dosage and now that I am its getting worse and Im needing more. I really dont want to be dependent on drugs all of my life. I already cant hold down a job and awaiting ssi. I cant go or do anything with my child or go shopping. I cant really be alone outside of my house and i feel like I am not living. I have tried every therapy and at times i feel so hopeless that this is just it... this is my existence... and THAT is depressing! lol

06-08-2012, 06:39 PM
You really should be taking a longer acting benzo for once maybe twice a day dosing(klonopin or atvivan). Xanax, although a great med it is known for interdose anxiety as it half life is about 11 -12 hours, less for the very young. Having said that .5 mg is not a big deal and I think the psychological aspect is more an issue that the physical one.
If you suffer from GAD ask about klonopin. Panic Disorder, ativan might be a better choice. A more even, slowly changing blood level of these meds might be better.
If it were me I'd try again a med like prozac at a very low level(5mg) for a month or more and then taper slowly to 20mg. Patients often are scared away from ssri's since they can bump anxiety at first but they will help lower anxiety over the long term which may allow a yet lower dose of the benzo. Believe me I know. I used to think I needed my ativan almost every day until I tapered off as AD's are safer in the prophylactic role of anxiety treatment. I recommend that. Even a low daily ssri dose to help keep base level anxiety lower and reduce benzo use and tolerance from developing is better than nothing.
If you opt for no ssri that's fine. All patients are unique. But I might consider asking about once a day klonopin dosing as opposed to xanax several times a day. If the doc won't try that just be grateful you do have a regime that seems to work fairly well. There are many patients who can keep the same benzo dose indefinitely.
I would expect no ill effects from .5mg ish dosing of xanax physically. None. Higher doses of any benzo can lead to some memory impairments but not at that dose. Not at that dose. I doubt it highly.
On one side of the coin is psychological dependence(trying to minimize it). The other side is the effectiveness of xanax for panic to keep you functional which is very high. Balance both, consider adding a very low dose ssri like fluoxetine along with a longer acting benzo and if that doesn't prove better, revert back to Ye Olde standby.....xanax. And be grateful it's there for you.
PM me anytime. Alankay.

06-09-2012, 11:09 AM
Thank u so much... I am trying welbutrin but hate the way it makes my anxiety worse. I get what ur saying about in the long run but it makes me go through my Xanax like water then I'm run out b4 my rx can be filled so I end up searching got them or calling my dr like a junky asking to fill it early. Ugh I hate this. I don't want to be on anything.

06-26-2012, 06:36 PM
I switched from xanax to the extended release xanax. It lasts 24 hours in your system so your mind isnt always on getting your next fix. Try looking into it!