View Full Version : Bruising Easily

06-08-2012, 01:06 AM
does anyone else find that they bruise really easily.

i constantly have bruises on my legs with no idea how they got there.

06-08-2012, 02:19 AM
Some people are more prone to bruising that others. I'm pretty clumsy and often have bruises even after small bumps. It's an idea to get a check up at the doc though and ask for blood tests as it could inidicate a vitamin difficiency.
B x

06-08-2012, 03:11 AM
Its something worth going along and getting checked as it can be caused by a number of things and some people are just more prone to it. Even things like fluid retention, spider veins and paleness of skin colour can contribute to it.

06-08-2012, 03:17 AM
I bruise like fruit... Seriously and I don't just bruise easily, they last for ages!!

For example, I bumped into a fixture at a shop and hit my shin 8 weeks ago and the bruise is still there. If my dog jumps up on me with too much force he'll leave me with bruises and even carrying a heavy bag or wearing tight jeans will bruise my hips.

I chalk it down to my low-ish body weight, low blood pressure and poor circulation, but it isn't fun!

06-08-2012, 06:57 PM
I have the same problem. I didn't use to bruise easy but when my anxiety started to worse It started happening. I've been to the ER and Dr. for countless things and many bloodwork and other tests and they find nothing wrong. I think it may be anxiety related since I've heard of many people bruising easily with anxiety. Don't ask me how, I'm clueless, lol. :)