View Full Version : Shortness of breath

06-04-2012, 06:16 PM
Does anyone else suffer from shortness of breath and how long does it last? I feel like mine has been coming and going for the last 3 days and sometimes lasts over an hour. I am having a hard time keeping myself calm when it happens.

06-05-2012, 12:14 AM
I have alot of issues with shortness of breath myself and I find that it's because I'm over thinking it and putting to much "effort" into trying to deep breath ....what really helps me is I download apps on my phone and Ipod for like relaxing breathing techniques and listen to them for 5- 10 min ...give that a try if u can, all the apps I have gotten are free and work great for me! Good luck, and remember to try and NOT con to much in it!!

06-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Yes, when I am on an Anxiety streak.
It seems to be my only noticeable symptom of my attacks.
I had an attack about 2 weeks ago, and my shortness of breath lasted about 4-5 days.
I had a couple of panic attacks throughout those 4/5 days, but the rest of the day was just the generalized anxiety.
Finally I calmed down and it has subsided.
I recently bought a book and just finished it RE: getting rid of anxiety and panic attacks. I enjoyed it and am trying to put to use what I've learned.